skywind3000 / z.lua

:zap: A new cd command that helps you navigate faster by learning your habits.
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_ZL_FZF_FLAG doesn't work #190

Open NoReasonKen opened 9 months ago

NoReasonKen commented 9 months ago

Lets say I defined export _ZL_FZF_FLAG="+s -e +i. And I expected this should trigger case-sensitive search to ~/.zlua, but seems it does not.

Here is a simple example I made.

z -l Dat
0.5        ~/work/data
24         ~/work/DataAnalysis
89.5      ~/work/output/date
1256     ~/work/log/data

As you can see, I validated _ZL_FZF_FLAG by using z -l, and found it's actually case-insensitive.

I have tried using fzf directly with explicit -i flag like this cat ~/.zlua | fzf +i, and it works perfectly.

Maybe there is something I missed or I made mistakes, I'm not sure.

Thanks for any help.