skywind3000 / z.lua

:zap: A new cd command that helps you navigate faster by learning your habits.
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z foo cmd not working #194

Open prabanjanraja opened 7 months ago

prabanjanraja commented 7 months ago

I tried installing z.lua in windows cmd with clink I followed all the three steps mentioned in the readme but when i enter z foo the directory does not changes, it just stays in the same directory withou any errors any idea on why is it like that?

skywind3000 commented 7 months ago

It needs study your cd history. just cd around in clink for a while then use z.lua again.

prabanjanraja commented 7 months ago

in clink we don't have use cd we can just add a trailing \ to the directory name so will it also work for that? I tried to move around 2 directories just once, and then tried the z cmd ideally how long does it takes

skywind3000 commented 7 months ago

z.lua will track your path changes in real-time, the more it studies the more it becomes handy.

prabanjanraja commented 7 months ago

it seems to be not working for me i moved between two directories a half a dozen times today, but still the z command does not work, the directory doesn't changes and I don't see an error mssg either the powershell module recognized the path just after the first time I moved into it

skywind3000 commented 7 months ago

please check z.lua's datafile ~/.zlua, does it contain something you visited in clink ?

prabanjanraja commented 7 months ago

I can't find the .zlua in my C: drive the z -h cmd works but z --help does not I have placed the z.lua and z.cmd file in "C:\Program Files (x86)\clink" in my 64bit windows machine

prabanjanraja commented 6 months ago

@skywind3000 can you help?

skywind3000 commented 6 months ago

On windows, .zlua database is located in C:\Users\XXX\.zlua by default

prabanjanraja commented 6 months ago

@skywind3000 can't find tfe file in my users directory I even tried creating the file still is empty also tried in administrator cmd still the same

prabanjanraja commented 4 months ago

@skywind3000 any update on this issue?

ilyagr commented 4 months ago

You could attempt to debug this yourself. Try inserting some print() (or actually io.stderr:write) statements into the z.lua script around to see which files it's loading the data from.