Open curtisma opened 3 years ago
for conda packages:
ALSO possibly something to add to the IDS requirements workflow starts with "PREFIX_BUILD": "/prj/ids/ids-conda/envs/build-${{ }}"
might need to make sure we have a build-reponame environment as well ?
Package 1 or more conda recipes
This upcoming feature for reusable workflows is suppose to be ready by the end of September:
Now that actions can call other actions, we should move the contents of each job into its own action.
Problem Statement
We have many IDS projects that require release automation so that we can quickly and easily release our projects. This will enable us to release more frequently and receive feedback more regularly.
Each IDS project has similar needs. We should be able to accommodate most projects. We should document any project structure requirements requirements
It needs to be quick and easy to add to a new IDS project. It should also be easy to make minor customizations and parameterizations for each project
Proposed Solution
We will create a template workflow that works for all IDS projects. Each project should only need to make minor customization updates. In many cases these will be limited to the ENV top-level entry
Each "Job" will have its own GitHub Action,
IDS Project Structure Requirements:
Alternatives Considered
Proposed Plan of Action