Open pinkfloyd11 opened 11 months ago
because "liccall" is name i added locally to mark the function, You are not going to have it in Your IDA decompilation
And what I should search?
send me dll i will find right place or You can find by searching surrounded bytes as signature This is my file. But how you understand which line of code must be changed?? And still more incredible how understand which will be the new line code??
In Your case, the function is here, 0000000181B49289 in IDA view:
.text:0000000181B49276 C6 45 00 00 mov byte ptr [rbp+0], 0
.text:0000000181B4927A 48 8D 0D 2F A4 A2 FE lea rcx, off_1805736B0
.text:0000000181B49281 4C 8D 45 00 lea r8, [rbp+0]
.text:0000000181B49285 49 8B 57 18 mov rdx, [r15+18h]
.text:0000000181B49289 E8 22 FD 78 FF call lic_call_1812D8FB0
.text:0000000181B4928E 48 8B F8 mov rdi, rax
.text:0000000181B49291 48 8B 8D B0 00 00 00 mov rcx, [rbp+0B0h]
.text:0000000181B49298 4C 8B 71 20 mov r14, [rcx+20h]
.text:0000000181B4929C 48 8D 0D ED E8 4E FE lea rcx, unk_180037B90
.text:0000000181B492A3 FF 15 17 9D 28 FF call cs:RhpNewFast
plese send me exact version of shapr You use in format "5.493.5987.0 #f98b370b", I will update github entry
But how you understand which line of code must be changed?? And still more incredible how understand which will be the new line code??
just debug the app and first check functionality and see memory it uses
hi, pardon me.. i don't know bout code. just try from other issue but still didnt get to change function.. could you tell the step ?? cc @sl4v3k thank you
Hi my dll version end with 6062.0
With IDA I have search "lic_call_1812CE870" but nothing has been found. Why??