I added a new DetObjectFunc to do droplet analysis. The arguments you could put into this function include return_img (bool), name, threshold, mask, aduspphot, and offset. This class has a function called process that processes the function for each image. It uses the functions convert_img, loopdrops, and getProb_img to return a dictionary including the probability and either the photon list (as ragged so it is split into two arrays x's and y's) or the image with how many photons there is at each coordinate in the image.
I added a new DetObjectFunc to do droplet analysis. The arguments you could put into this function include return_img (bool), name, threshold, mask, aduspphot, and offset. This class has a function called process that processes the function for each image. It uses the functions convert_img, loopdrops, and getProb_img to return a dictionary including the probability and either the photon list (as ragged so it is split into two arrays x's and y's) or the image with how many photons there is at each coordinate in the image.