slackapi / bolt-js

A framework to build Slack apps using JavaScript
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Better typing for block actions payload #2122

Open sota1235 opened 1 month ago

sota1235 commented 1 month ago

I wish some block action body will have more correct typing.

For example, when I use InteractiveMessage type when I want to handle event for clicking button on message, that's type does not contain container payload. But actually it exists. I think it's intentional type, here is an official document.

Is there any blocker to implement this type? If not, I have a motivation to pull request.


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filmaj commented 1 month ago

I 100% agree with you and we definitely want to improve this!

Some of the underlying node packages that Bolt-JS relies on will need to tackle this feature, first, though. If you are curious, take a look at all the issues in the slackapi/node-slack-sdk repo tagged with the typescript label. Essentially, these payloads would need proper typing and would live in, I think, the @slack/types repo (which lives within the slackapi/node-slack-sdk repo). Specifically, I think is the issue tracking adding properly typed payloads to @slack/types.

I am itching to address this but work in this area has taken a backseat to other priorities.

I will leave this issue open until we can add support to the underlying @slack/types package. Once is resolved, we can look at leveraging and exposing those in Bolt-JS.

That would be a breaking change, though, I think, so I will also tag this as a major version issue and assign it to the 4.0 bolt milestone.

seratch commented 1 month ago

I agree there are a few areas for improvement in this repo for TypeScript users:

Nonetheless, specifically talking about the issue mentioned here, it seems there is some misinterpretation. The interactive message payload is the one for interactions within an attachment, not a block. Block action payload data is defined at, and it correctly has all available properties, though its details can be improved. Hope this clarifies.

filmaj commented 1 month ago

Ahhh thank you @seratch for the clarification! My apologies, I missed that detail. Though, @sota1235 uses the Interactive Message as only an example; I read the implication in their original message as "this is just one area that is lacking in typing."

We could certainly improve the Interactive Message type; the Block Action base payload used in Bolt does have the container property (though that property's type itself could be better, but that is for a future enhancement).

I feel like there's some way we could have InteractiveMessage extend/reuse BlockAction as there is a lot of duplication between the two; team, enterprise, user, channel, token, response_url and trigger_id seem to be the same across the two.