slackapi / deno-slack-sdk

SDK for building Run on Slack apps using Deno
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[BUG] Unable to pass `team_id` to built-in Slack function `Schema.slack.functions.CreateChannel` #267

Open celso-vts opened 5 months ago

celso-vts commented 5 months ago


I'm trying to use Schema.slack.functions.CreateChannel in a new Deno workflow, and I want to know how I should pass the team_id parameter. It's something similar to how it's done with the Slack API client.

API client

         name: "some-name",
         is_private: false,
         team_id: "myteamid",

Slack function CreateChannel as workflow steps does not accept team_id

    channel_name: "some-name",
    is_private: false,
    // team_id: "myteamid" <== this breaks the workflow


slack run works as expected, but when trying to create a channel, my workflow gets stuck. I believe it's due to restricted workspace permissions. I'm working on a "development" workspace, where I'm admin, so I want to make sure the function above creates a channel in the correct workspace.


cat import_map.json | grep deno-slack
    "deno-slack-sdk/": "",
    "deno-slack-api/": "",
    "deno-slack-hub/": "",
deno --version
  deno 1.33.3 (release, aarch64-apple-darwin)
  typescript 5.0.4
sw_vers && uname -v
ProductName:            macOS
ProductVersion:         13.6.3
BuildVersion:           22G436
Darwin Kernel Version 22.6.0: Tue Nov  7 21:40:08 PST 2023; root:xnu-8796.141.3.702.9~2/RELEASE_ARM64_T6000
filmaj commented 5 months ago

Hello, indeed this is a problem in Enterprise workspaces. I will escalate internally to see how we can address this. My intuition is that triggers should probably include team_id and enterprise_id context data that can be passed to workflows and then to individual workflow steps. I will keep this issue thread posted with progress.

filmaj commented 5 months ago

As a temporary workaround, you could create a custom function that passes team_id to the conversations.create HTTP API. team_id and enterprise_id are passed as parameters to all custom function invocations.

filmaj commented 5 months ago

Interestingly this issue does not exist when creating a workflow using Workflow Builder, I believe because the form for the Create Channel step in WFB detects that the executing context is within a grid/enterprise workspace, and thus requires workflow creators to select a specific workspace within the enterprise. Of course that kind of guidance is not provided in the coded experience.

celso-vts commented 5 months ago

For the record, I was using the workaround you mentioned, which works.

filmaj commented 5 months ago

An update here: the team is working on addressing the bug with CreateChannel. We expect a resolution in the coming days. Once we release a fix (it will require a new release of this SDK), I'll update this issue.

philblanchard commented 3 months ago

I am new to Slack API/workflow apps and am working through the same issue described here when testing in my developer sandbox (enterprise grid). I assume this issue would not exist if I were running this in a "business" tier sub?

As a temporary workaround, you could create a custom function that passes team_id to the conversations.create HTTP API. team_id and enterprise_id are passed as parameters to all custom function invocations.

I might be missing something obvious, but when I declare team_id context prop in my custom function, and reference this for team_id value in conversations.create API, I am getting team_access_not_granted error. The team_id context var is like EXXXX. However, if I navigate to this workspace and grab the "team id" value that starts with T and hardcode that into my function it works as expected.

Any insight would be appreciated

filmaj commented 2 months ago

@philblanchard is your app installed to the org, or to a workspace within the org? That might explain the difference in the first letter in the team_id context variable; EXXX is an enterprise, or org, ID, while TXXX is a team/workspace ID.

In either case, you receiving the enterprise ID as team_id is a problem, but let me know and I'll look into it further.

philblanchard commented 2 months ago

@filmaj -- I would suspect it is only installed to a workspace within the org, as that is the option I've selected through the Slack CLI. Another thing to note is that when I log the enterprise_id context var value there is no value present, while the team_id is the enterprise ID.

During the slack run step to run this app locally, when I am installing it to a specific workspace, the team ID is shown next to the workspace I select.

I guess also FWIW if you do a slack auth list the Enterprise ID of the org you'd auth'd into is shown as a "Team ID", which it seems is not the same thing

filmaj commented 2 months ago

Yes, I did some further testing here myself. I believe there is a problem with how the backend sends the team ID (or rather: how it does not send the team ID) for certain events to workflow apps. The same team_id and enterprise_id mixup seems to exist on different kinds of events: block actions, view submission/closed as well as function_executed.

Not sure what execution context / event you are seeing your issue in, but in case it is from a block action or view event, you can find the relevant team ID under body.view or body.message (for view and block events, respectively). Unfortunately it seems like for the function-executed event, we do not send the team ID in any form. I will raise this internally to see if we can get that fixed.

ChrisMcKee commented 1 month ago

Is there any timeframe on when they'll fix the api so it starts to either pass it, or at the very least so the CLI starts to set the correct team-id

My sandbox workspace config ends up like

  "E0776TLA88G": {
    "app_id": "xxx",
    "enterprise_id": "E0776TLA88G",
    "IsDev": true,
    "team_domain": "cm-xxxx",
    "team_id": "E0776TLA88G",
    "user_id": "U076F75ED6Z"

But the app-install response correctly states

App successfully reinstalled
[2024-06-05 16:49:19] received: {"envelope_id":"2e43fb60-4cb0-4239-9365-1aa8f8034a03","payload":{"type":"block_actions","team":null,"enterprise":{"id":"E0776TLA88G","name":"cmbotsandbox"},"user":{"id":"U076F75ED6Z","name":"sd0776tdeq7j_user","team_id":"T076J49RGKC"}

The BaseRuntimeFunctionContext team_id is the same as the enterprise_id instead of being set to the team_id. Having to get around it using team_id: env["TEAM_ID"] || team_id || undefined,

filmaj commented 1 month ago

I've moved the discussion around how to get a reference to a correct team_id in an org context over here:

This way we can keep this issue for exposing team_id as a parameter to the CreateChannel function, the original issue filed here.