slackapi / deno-slack-sdk

SDK for building Run on Slack apps using Deno
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[QUERY] no more than 20 items allowed [json-pointer:/event/channel_ids] #305

Closed bevans-HD closed 2 months ago

bevans-HD commented 3 months ago


Can the event tigger channel_ids max be increased from 20? If not, what is the maximum number of triggers allowed in a workflow?


I created a simple app that needs to watch for a text pattern in a lot of channels. Like 100+ channels. I wrote code to dynamically create and update triggers based on the configurator example in one of the slack sample apps. Up until yesterday I was happily adding channel_ids to existing triggers like so:

      // channelIds is a list of current channels plus a new one 
        MessagePostedTrigger.event.channel_ids = channelIds;

        const updateWorkflowTrigger = await client.workflows.triggers
          .update({ trigger_id:, ...MessagePostedTrigger });
        if (!updateWorkflowTrigger.ok) {
          console.log("DEBUG: updateWorkflowTrigger");
          throw new TriggerOperationError(
            `Failed to update MessagePostedTrigger: ${}`,

Well I found out the hard way there is a limit of 20 channels allowed in the event trigger:

  toFetchResponse: [Function: toFetchResponse],
  ok: false,
  error: "invalid_arguments",
  response_metadata: {
    messages: [
      "[ERROR] no more than 20 items allowed [json-pointer:/event/channel_ids]"

If this is a hard limit, what do you suggest I do watch for a text pattern in 100's of channels? Create an event trigger per-channel? Any guidance would be appreciated.

Thank you


cat import_map.json | grep deno-slack
    "deno-slack-sdk/": "",
    "deno-slack-api/": "",
deno --version
deno 1.38.4 (release, x86_64-apple-darwin)
typescript 5.2.
sw_vers && uname -v
ProductName:        macOS
ProductVersion:     14.4.1
BuildVersion:       23E224
Darwin Kernel Version 23.4.0: Fri Mar 15 00:11:05 PDT 2024; root:xnu-10063.101.17~1/RELEASE_X86_64


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seratch commented 3 months ago

Hi @bevans-HD, thanks for asking the question!

Indeed, up-to-20 channel in a single event trigger is a limitation the platform has. To deal with it, there are two options:

  1. Create one more trigger with a different set of channels for the same event
  2. Enable all_resources: true option and remove channel_ids from the definition.

I'd sugest the second one because it'll be far easier to manage. I wrote a blog post on the option yesterday. I hope you find it helpful:

bevans-HD commented 2 months ago

Wow, how fortuitous. Option 2 looks perfect. I found the limit while prepping for the official internal release of the bot. Looks like I'll be able to just rip out all the channel_ids and "configurator" code before unleashing the bot & explaining to everyone the whole /configure process.

Thank you @seratch! I can report back after I've migrated to all_resources: true

filmaj commented 2 months ago

@bevans-HD One thing worth considering is the potential cost implications of having unfiltered channel event triggers firing off workflows; if these workflows are considered Premium, you may incur an additional charge. Using a hard-coded list of channel_ids is one way to control that more finely. Just wanted to point that out!

filmaj commented 2 months ago

I will close this issue as it seems it has been resolved, but if there is anything else here feel free to re-open or open a new issue.

bevans-HD commented 2 months ago

It is resolved. Using all_resources: true allowed me to remove all the configurator code and made managing my workflows much easier. Thanks again!