slackapi / deno-slack-sdk

SDK for building Run on Slack apps using Deno
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[QUERY] Trigger Event filter out thread messages #309

Closed gilhrpenner closed 2 months ago

gilhrpenner commented 2 months ago


Hello! Am trying to work on an event trigger that listens for message reactions but I would like to filter out all events on a thread message, so if user reacts a given emoji on main message of a thread it proceeds and if the message is a thread reply then it halts.


import {
} from "deno-slack-api/mod.ts";
import { Trigger } from "deno-slack-api/types.ts";
import "std/dotenv/load.ts";
import { MessageReactionsWorkflow } from "../workflows/message_reactions.ts";

const trigger: Trigger<typeof MessageReactionsWorkflow.definition> = {
  type: TriggerTypes.Event,
  name: "Message reaction listener",
  description: "Listen to specific message reactions and trigger a workflow",
  workflow: `#/workflows/${MessageReactionsWorkflow.definition.callback_id}`,
  event: {
    event_type: TriggerEventTypes.ReactionAdded,
    channel_ids: [Deno.env.get("PLATFORM_CHANNEL")!],
    filter: {
      version: 1,
      root: {
        operator: "OR",
        inputs: [
          { statement: "{{data.reaction}} == white_check_mark" },
          { statement: "{{data.reaction}} == eyes" },
          { statement: "{{data.reaction}} CONTAINS clock" },
  inputs: {
    reaction: {
      value: TriggerContextData.Event.ReactionAdded.reaction,
    message_context: {
      value: TriggerContextData.Event.ReactionAdded.message_context,
    user_id: {
      value: "{{data.user_id}}",

export default trigger;


"deno-slack-sdk/": "",
"deno-slack-api/": "",
deno 1.42.4 (release, aarch64-apple-darwin)
typescript 5.4.3
ProductName:        macOS
ProductVersion:     14.4.1
BuildVersion:       23E224
Darwin Kernel Version 23.4.0: Fri Mar 15 00:12:49 PDT 2024; root:xnu-10063.101.17~1/RELEASE_ARM64_T6020


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WilliamBergamin commented 2 months ago

Hi @gilhrpenner thanks for writing in πŸ’―

I tried to implement this in a few different ways, but I was not able to successfully filter out reactions made to messages in thread, this seems to be limitation/bug, I've queried about this internally in an attempt to find a workaround

gilhrpenner commented 2 months ago

Hey @WilliamBergamin thanks for checking this

gilhrpenner commented 2 months ago

Hey @WilliamBergamin any updates on this? Users reactions on thread messages are eating through my premium workflow usage lol

WilliamBergamin commented 2 months ago

A fix for this should be coming in the near future but I don't have any real ETA

The only work around I've been able to gather seems to leverage the message_link attribute that does not seem to be documented, I have not had the time to test it out but the message_link value will only contain a thread_ts url param if the message is posted in a thread

Potentially a filter resembling something like {{data.message_link}} CONTAINS 'thread_ts='}} may work but I haven't had a chance to test this out idea out yet

gilhrpenner commented 2 months ago

A fix for this should be coming in the near future but I don't have any real ETA

The only work around I've been able to gather seems to leverage the message_link attribute that does not seem to be documented, I have not had the time to test it out but the message_link value will only contain a thread_ts url param if the message is posted in a thread

Potentially a filter resembling something like {{data.message_link}} CONTAINS 'thread_ts='}} may work but I haven't had a chance to test this out idea out yet

Thanks @WilliamBergamin !! It sort of works now, I am able to filter out thread reactions but with a single emoji, haven't been able to have an OR operator together

filter: {
  version: 1,
  root: {
    operator: "AND",
    inputs: [
        operator: "NOT",
        inputs: [{
          statement: "{{data.message_link}} CONTAINS thread_ts",
        operator: "OR",
        inputs: [
          { statement: "{{data.reaction}} == white_check_mark" },
          { statement: "{{data.reaction}} == eyes" },
          { statement: "{{data.reaction}} CONTAINS clock" },

2024-05-07 14:32:21 [error] [Wf070UBJPSJY] (Trace=Tr072SUCCPCZ) Trigger for workflow 'Message reactions workflow' failed: invalid_block

Am I doing this wrong or is it possibly a bug?

WilliamBergamin commented 2 months ago

I've tried to implement this but I think the value of data.message_link turns out to be null, I'm unsure why the failed: invalid_block error is coming up, I've also seen it during my testing

Currently trying to identify how to access the variable referred to the Link to message that was reacted to in the workflow builder

Let me know if you where successfully able to filter out messages from threads, this is the filter I was testing with

    filter: {
      version: 1,
      root: {
        operator: "AND",
        inputs: [
            operator: "NOT",
            inputs: [{
              statement: "{{data.message_link}} CONTAINS thread_ts",
          { statement: "{{data.reaction}} == eyes" },
gilhrpenner commented 2 months ago

Hey @WilliamBergamin I was able to successfully filter out thread reactions, data.message_link is not being returned null for me.

Your filter works for me, it triggers the function when I react with πŸ‘€ on the main message. The only issue is to be able to listen for multiple reactions

WilliamBergamin commented 2 months ago

Hi @gilhrpenner the issue with the OR nested inside an AND is a bug on the backend, I am currently collecting more information on the bug

Thank you for bringing this forward πŸ™

WilliamBergamin commented 2 months ago

Hi @gilhrpenner thanks again for bringing this up, this was a bug and a patch has been shipped, I've tested it this morning and the nested OR in a AND operator works on my end πŸ™Œ

You may need to recreate your trigger, let me know if this resolves the issue

gilhrpenner commented 2 months ago

Hi @gilhrpenner thanks again for bringing this up, this was a bug and a patch has been shipped, I've tested it this morning and the nested OR in a AND operator works on my end πŸ™Œ

You may need to recreate your trigger, let me know if this resolves the issue

Hey @WilliamBergamin, thanks for the follow up! I just tried on my end and although I am not getting the failed: invalid_block error anymore I don't see my trigger function being called.

This is my filter

filter: {
      version: 1,
      root: {
        operator: "AND",
        inputs: [
            operator: "NOT",
            inputs: [{
              statement: "{{data.message_link}} CONTAINS thread_ts",
            operator: "OR",
            inputs: [
              { statement: "{{data.reaction}} == white_check_mark" },
              { statement: "{{data.reaction}} == eyes" },
              { statement: "{{data.reaction}} CONTAINS clock" },

If I remove the nested AND filter and have either NOT operator or OR it works fine but not both at the same time

WilliamBergamin commented 2 months ago

Can you make sure that you've deleted and recreated your trigger this can be done with the following

slack trigger delete
slack trigger create

slack trigger update will not be sufficient

gilhrpenner commented 2 months ago

Can you make sure that you've deleted and recreated your trigger this can be done with the following

slack trigger delete
slack trigger create

slack trigger update will not be sufficient

Yep, deleted and created the trigger, still not working

slack trigger delete
? Select a team digitalmga T8JU3LV0S
? Choose an app environment Local A0702H9CJEN
? Choose a trigger: Message reaction listener (local) Ft073XTYR4QG

πŸ—‘οΈ  Trigger 'Ft073XTYR4QG' deleted

slack trigger create
? Select a team digitalmga T8JU3LV0S
? Choose an app environment Local A0702H9CJEN
⚑ Searching for trigger definition files under 'triggers/*'...
   Found 5 trigger definition files

? Choose a trigger definition file: triggers/message_reactions.ts

⚑ Trigger successfully created!

   Message reaction listener (local) Ft07391MHHL3 (event)
   Created: 2024-05-13 17:07:58 -06:00 (0 seconds ago)
     Gil Penner @Gil Penner U03SELC8YKD
   Can be found and used by:
     everyone in the workspace
     Invite your app to the channel to receive the events
     Slack Connect channels are unsupported

slack run
? Choose a local environment digitalmga T8JU3LV0S A0702H9CJEN
Updating local app install for "APOLLO"

⚑ Listing triggers installed to the app...

πŸ“† Scheduled triggers:

   Daily job (local) Ft070BAW5YHM (scheduled)
   Created: 2024-04-25 19:44:16 -06:00 (2 weeks ago)
   Updated: 2024-05-06 23:10:14 -06:00 (6 days ago)
     Gil Penner @Gil Penner U03SELC8YKD
   Can be found and used by:
     everyone in the workspace

   Weekly job (local) Ft072N33MTDG (scheduled)
   Created: 2024-05-08 19:52:28 -06:00 (4 days ago)
     Gil Penner @Gil Penner U03SELC8YKD
   Can be found and used by:
     everyone in the workspace

πŸ”— Shortcut triggers:

   Request dev support (local) Ft070P0AVALD (shortcut)
   Created: 2024-04-25 19:43:18 -06:00 (2 weeks ago)
   Updated: 2024-05-03 10:52:49 -06:00 (1 week ago)
     Gil Penner @Gil Penner U03SELC8YKD
   Can be found and used by:
     everyone in the workspace

   Manage tags (local) Ft072CSZ4LKX (shortcut)
   Created: 2024-05-07 22:17:50 -06:00 (5 days ago)
   Updated: 2024-05-07 22:54:57 -06:00 (5 days ago)
     Gil Penner @Gil Penner U03SELC8YKD
   Can be found and used by:
     everyone in the workspace

I can't remember but shouldn't the trigger be listed under the "Listing triggers installed to the app..."?

WilliamBergamin commented 2 months ago

I see, I was able to reproduce your behavior

This does not seem like we completely fixed the issue

WilliamBergamin commented 2 months ago

@gilhrpenner Yesterday a patched was deployed this should now work as expected

Let me know if it works on your end, I'll mark this issue as resolved

gilhrpenner commented 2 months ago

Hey @WilliamBergamin although I still can't see the trigger being listed under the trigger list I can confirm it's working!

Thank you so much for crushing this bug πŸ›