slackapi / java-slack-sdk

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Slack couldn't verify messages with *(bold) w/ Spring Boot #1306

Closed noy-duany closed 2 months ago

noy-duany commented 2 months ago

Hi all,

I have slack app and I'm using interactivity feature.

I have a button and a restapi accepting the requests, and I'm using slack sdk to verify the message came from slack.

I'm facing a problem - the verification fails in case the message have (bold) text inside, but when I remove the , it works.

Why does it happens?

This is the code. I'm using Java with Spring.

  public ResponseEntity<String> handleSlackInteractions(
      final HttpServletRequest request,
      @RequestBody String requestBody,
      @RequestParam("payload") String rawPayload) {

    try {
      if (!slackVerifier.verifyRequest(request, requestBody)) {
        throw new ResponseStatusException(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED, "Verification failed");

  public SlackVerifier(String slackSigningSecret) {
    this.verifier = new SlackSignature.Verifier(new SlackSignature.Generator(slackSigningSecret));

  public boolean verifyRequest(HttpServletRequest request, String requestBody) {
    try {
      String requestTimestamp =
      String slackSignature = request.getHeader(SlackSignature.HeaderNames.X_SLACK_SIGNATURE);

      return verifier.isValid(requestTimestamp, requestBody, slackSignature);

    } catch (Exception e) {
      logger.error("Error verifying Slack request", e);
      return false;


seratch commented 2 months ago

Hi @noy-duany, thanks for asking the question!

Since the request validation for Slack event payload requires no modification of the text request body, you cannot use Spring's request parser for the endpoint. This means @RequestParam etc. never works in many patterns.

For this reason, please use the base servlet class (com.slack.api.bolt.jakarta_servlet.SlackAppServlet or com.slack.api.bolt.servlet.SlackAppServlet) we provide instead.

For more detailed information, here are helpful resources:

We don't have anything further to share on this, so let me close this issue now. Thanks again for posting the question!