Closed ghost closed 5 years ago
Hi @ghubaddole
Apologies for the delayed response. If you want to set an area that the PanModal gesture recognizers will ignore you can use func shouldPrioritize(panModalGestureRecognizer: UIPanGestureRecognizer) -> Bool
This should have the opposite effect of this issue mentioned here:
You can check if the touch processed by the PanModal is within the frame of the handle and use that to return true
Let me know if this fixes it for you, Stephen
Describe your issue here. Thank you for this amazing library - it took all of 10 minutes to convert my regular pop ups to panModal and it looks fabulous!
I have a web view in my view controller with a title view. The title view remains on the top, while the web view scrolls. This works perfectly with panModal with one behavior that I've not been able to modify -- If I scroll down in the web view, then swipe down on the title or the drag indicator, it doesn't drag... How do I get the modal to dismiss if the user drags the handle (or part of the view controller that's not the scroll view?)
What type of issue is this? (place an
in one of the[ ]
)Requirements (place an
in each of the[ ]
)Bug Report
Filling out the following details about bugs will help us solve your issue sooner.
Reproducible in:
PanModal version:
iOS version:
Steps to reproduce:
1. 2. 3.
Expected result:
What you expected to happen
Actual result:
What actually happened
Logs, screenshots, screencast, sample project, funny gif, etc.