slact / nchan

Fast, horizontally scalable, multiprocess pub/sub queuing server and proxy for HTTP, long-polling, Websockets and EventSource (SSE), powered by Nginx.
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spool->msg_status == MSG_INVALID' failed error appears #561

Open romanspotpower opened 4 years ago

romanspotpower commented 4 years ago

Hi, I've get the following error: nginx: worker process: ../nchan/src/store/spool.c:479: spool_fetch_msg: Assertion `spool->msg_status == MSG_INVALID' failed. 2020/03/25 10:24:49 [alert] 63#63: worker process 72 exited on signal 6

after a hour of streaming. After restart the error is gone.

My configuration: Nchan 1.2.7 on Ubuntu 19.04 and NGINX 1.17.7.

nginx.conf file user www-data; worker_processes auto; worker_cpu_affinity auto; worker_rlimit_nofile 10240; pid /run/; include /etc/nginx/modules-enabled/*.conf;

events { use epoll; multi_accept on; worker_connections 10000;

    # multi_accept on;


http { upstream redis-storage { nchan_redis_server redis://; nchan_redis_namespace nchan_streamer_initial; nchan_redis_storage_mode backup; }

    nchan_shared_memory_size 4294967296;

        listen 8088;

        location = /sub {
            nchan_redis_pass redis-storage;
            nchan_channel_id $arg_id;
            nchan_subscriber_first_message -1;

        location = /pub {
            nchan_redis_pass redis-storage;
            nchan_channel_id $arg_id;
            nchan_message_timeout 0; 
            nchan_message_buffer_length 10;

What could be the issue?

ivanovv commented 4 years ago

seems to be a dupe of #534