sladg / nextjs-lambda

Lambda deployments for Nextjs12 & Nextjs13 (standalone). Easy CLI commands to get your standalone Next output to run in AWS Lambda (not @Edge)! Uses CDK in behind and produces code zips importable to Terraform, Serverless, Azure, etc.
MIT License
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EOL announcement #97

Open sladg opened 10 months ago

sladg commented 10 months ago

After testing of open-next and SST I will be deprecating this package in foreseeable future in favour of SST and Open-Next.

Reasons are as following:

Currently only one concern in mind:

One future issue I came by with current package as well as open-next

Cheers! Jan

davulrich commented 9 months ago


Sad to here that, but the reasons make sence. We currently use your library to build Next.js projects but Open-Next looks promising and evene migration couldn't be so hard.

It's unfortunate to hear about EOL, but the reasons make sense. Currently, we are using your library to build Next.js projects and deploy them to AWS with our custom Terraform configs. However, Open-Next looks promising, and I believe that migrating to it may not be too challenging.

And thanks for you work on this library.

sladg commented 6 months ago

To address complexity concern, I was able to create lambda-only implementation of NextJS deployment to AWS. See:

I will probably publish terraform module later on to deal with optional plugins such as Cloudfront, certificates, faster image optimiser, etc.