Uses a downward facing camera to see a landing target, and guides the drone to land there. This node will consume and leverage topics with the Xeni drone nodes.
Tracker node is to read a sensor_msgs/msg/Image topic (there are many camera nodes out there that publish these) and publish a lander_interfaces::msg::TrackStamped message to guide the drone to the landing target.
There will most likely be numerous versions of this, based on the type of vision based landing to be done. Land on a colored landing pad, a ArUco marker or even a infrared light (special camera needed I guess).
Tracker node is to read a sensor_msgs/msg/Image topic (there are many camera nodes out there that publish these) and publish a lander_interfaces::msg::TrackStamped message to guide the drone to the landing target.
There will most likely be numerous versions of this, based on the type of vision based landing to be done. Land on a colored landing pad, a ArUco marker or even a infrared light (special camera needed I guess).