Uncaught Error: No protocol method SpecComponent.install defined for type null: test.js:1529
cljs.core.missing_protocol test.js:1529
It took me waaaaaay too long to realise that it was because I'd mucked up some parens in my describes.
null (install [this description] (throw (str "Oops! It looks like you tried to add 'null' to a spec. That's probably a sign of something wrong in your describes"))))
I got this message when using clojurescript:
It took me waaaaaay too long to realise that it was because I'd mucked up some parens in my
.To help hapless fools such as myself, could I suggest that you extend "null" so that it gives you a more useful message about messing up your tests: https://github.com/slagyr/speclj/blob/master/src/cljx/speclj/components.cljx#L21 A bit like
is extended for clj (a few lines above).I'm thinking of something like this: