slalombuild / secureli

seCureLI is a tool that enables you to experience the delight of building products by helping you get ideas from your head into working software as frictionlessly as possible, in a reliable, secure, scalable, and observable way.
Apache License 2.0
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Rename integration-test folder to smoke-test (only if history can be preserved) #437

Closed JordoHeffernan closed 2 months ago

JordoHeffernan commented 5 months ago

As a secureli maintainer I don't love that our smoke tests are called integrations tests


  1. Change the folder name integration tests to smoke tests
  2. Only do this if we can preserve in some way our existing GitHub integration tests history (lives in Actions)
rt-slalom commented 2 months ago

Here's some Post merge test evidence:

New Smoke Testing Workflow created Image

stage renamed in Publish workflow Image

historical integration testing maintained in older publishing runs Image