I have a sentence where if in the original (default) language, the sentence shows as is. But in the other language, in addition to having it translated, it also shows the sentence in the original language as a caption. Now what I need is access to the original language while I'm in the other language.
Developer Experience
There should be a way to access the other language other than the one in context. Eg. var t2 = Translation.locale('de')
Motivation I have a sentence where if in the original (default) language, the sentence shows as is. But in the other language, in addition to having it translated, it also shows the sentence in the original language as a caption. Now what I need is access to the original language while I'm in the other language.
Developer Experience There should be a way to access the other language other than the one in context. Eg.
var t2 = Translation.locale('de')