slang-i18n / slang

Type-safe i18n for Dart and Flutter
MIT License
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Use source_gen #163

Open ncuillery opened 9 months ago

ncuillery commented 9 months ago

In the Dart package ecosystem, most of the packages are using source_gen which formats the output code. This process has 2 main benefits:

I have started using slang and everytime I run dart run slang, I have to run dart format . and commit the changes otherwise my CI build is broken.

There is no way to exclude file in Dart formatter (yet) so having generated code properly formatted like code gen packages do would be great.

To repro:

Tienisto commented 9 months ago

A temporary workaround is to remove the generated file inside the CI before running dart format .. This essentially ignores the file as it doesn't exist anymore.

Integrating source_gen requires a lot of effort so it is unlikely in the near future.

ngoc-quoc-huynh commented 4 months ago

Having the same problem. Would wish this feature to be implemented.