slang-i18n / slang

Type-safe i18n for Dart and Flutter
MIT License
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Remote loading of localization #194

Closed EvertonMJunior closed 7 months ago

EvertonMJunior commented 7 months ago


We've been using slang on production at Stift for about 5 months, and it's been a delight working with it. The integration with GPT also rocks, it saves us a lot of time and money. So thanks a lot for all your dedication and this package.

Motivation One thing that we would really love being able to do is loading the localization from a remote source. I say this because sometimes it's common to release a new app version, and then just a few hours or days later, the need to change a message, or make something clearer, comes. And this implies, sometimes, having to release a new version just to change some text.

Developer Experience With that said, it would be really good to be able to have a mix of the local localization files, which would be loaded on the fly, and then be able to overwrite them, say, for example, from a JSON we get from our API. We already do this with some configs with a service we developed internally, so if the package had some kind of interface for it, it would work really well.

Are there any ways to do this in the current state of the slang, or do you have any plans on working on some feature that would enable this? We are open to discuss it and contribute as well.

Thank you!

EvertonMJunior commented 7 months ago

Oh, found it. Closing it up. Thanks!