slang-i18n / slang

Type-safe i18n for Dart and Flutter
MIT License
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fix: when decoding CSV, do not include empty fields as nodes #201

Closed nikaera closed 3 months ago

nikaera commented 3 months ago

When using CSV for translation files, if specific fields are empty, it can be assumed that the translation is not provided. Therefore, I made modifications to handle such cases accordingly. ✅

Tienisto commented 3 months ago

Could you please try the fallback_strategy: base_locale_empty_string configuration? Your change might break others code if they actually expect an empty string.

nikaera commented 3 months ago

Thank you very much for the detailed explanation! Adding fallback_strategy: base_locale_empty_string to build.yaml as you suggested has resulted in the intended behavior! 🙌 @Tienisto