slash2009 / XWMM

XBMC Web Media Manager
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Add a locale system #56

Open Epy opened 10 years ago

Epy commented 10 years ago

I can't write code in Javascript but I can help in translation from english to french for example. It would be great if the next big version (I read about re-writes here) could add a locale system.

Thanks !

un1versal commented 10 years ago

Yes that would be nice, perhaps using transifex just like xbmc does or some kind of similar structure like .po files which anyone could add languages to via transifex or github whatever.

un1versal commented 9 years ago

Perhaps it would be best to keep language updates via github only unless someone volunteers to handle the transifex portions

It requires this being supported in source code of course.

If you know anyone who can develop in java/html please invite them to contribute.