slash2009 / XWMM

XBMC Web Media Manager
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Tvshow update don't work #57

Closed Bazzu85 closed 10 years ago

Bazzu85 commented 10 years ago

I'm using XWMM 3.0.2 and when I update a field of a tvshow episode and save it don't work..

When refresh page it is always like the original name..

XBMC Frodo 12.3

Here's some screens 2014-04-19_115333 modifing title: 2014-04-19_115411 saving: 2014-04-19_115419 after refresh: 2014-04-19_115447

un1versal commented 10 years ago

Confirmed... Gotham 4.0.1 pre as well.

I think that we wont be working on Fixes for Frodo anymore, its a waste of developer time now with Gotham so close.

This bg report remains valid but Gotham should take priority now.

Bazzu85 commented 10 years ago


Hope someone work on Frodo version in next months..

un1versal commented 10 years ago

Like I said, Gotham is nearly out, so, Frodo is pretty much a dead version.

Bazzu85 commented 10 years ago

obviously When Gotham Will become stable I'm gonna to install it..

Month ago I've tried November release and for some bug I returned Frodo..

Bazzu85 commented 10 years ago

now that Gotham is out i tried XWMM with versione 4.0.1 and tvshow update still don't work..

un1versal commented 10 years ago

Yes, I have already duplicated the issue and marked this accordingly. Now cross your fingers and wait for a fix.

Bazzu85 commented 10 years ago

i've tested with 4.0.2 and tv show update seems to work!

thx guys!