slash2009 / XWMM

XBMC Web Media Manager
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[Improvement suggestion] Addon structure. #85

Closed un1versal closed 10 years ago

un1versal commented 10 years ago

This is not realy important as long as it works I suppose.

Currently the structure is as follows once installed and on git.

Addon (main dir)
  ---- css (dir)
  ---- extjs (dir)
  ---- images (dir)
  ---- include (dir)
  ---- movies (dir)
  ---- music (dir)
  ---- tvshows (dir)
  ---- ux (dir)
  ---- Changelog.txt  (file)
  ----  (file)
  ---- addon.xml  (file)
  ---- favicon.ico  (file)
  ---- global.js  (file)
  ---- icon.png  (file)
  ---- index.html  (file)

We still missing fanart.jpg file and Im pretty sure the favicon.ico on the (main dir) is duplicate and according to index.html the favicon being read is in ../images/favicon.ico. so that bit I can look at.

I would suggest the following or better structure for some future of xwmm

Addon (main dir)
  ---- src (dir)
      ----- css (dir)
      ----- extjs (dir)
      ----- images (dir)
      ----- movies (dir)
      ----- music (dir)
      ----- tvshows (dir)
      ----- ux (dir)
  ---- include (dir)
  ---- Changelog.txt  (file)
  ---- fanart.jpg
  ----  (file)
  ---- addon.xml  (file)
  ---- global.js  (file)
  ---- icon.png  (file)
  ---- index.html  (file)

So the src dir would contain as much of the other stuff as possible, maybe.?

Just a thought, as I said as long as it works this isnt really important.

ghost commented 10 years ago

Yes /favicon.ico needs deleted, index.html was fixed in 01d4c1c9.

Is this clean enough :smile:

ghost commented 10 years ago

As you mentioned fanart.jpg is missing however this is optional I think as almost none of the addons I have installed have one.

The major file we're are missing is a license (LICENSE.txt).

un1versal commented 10 years ago

Yes, that is well cleaner structure though it does nest, but eh its 100% improvement PR it and Ill merge it if its not breaking anything that you took so long to fix. :D

Yes, licence.txt is needed but there is a mixed bag here, the extjs is gplv3 but personally feel this addon is gplv2 tbh idk what it ever was, when I chased down the change-logs I dont remember any info about that. So idk if a addon can be bother gplv2 and have components that are gplv3 thought, so investigating I will.

Fanart, yes... mmmm well I like fanart jpg what others have or not is their choice, I feel we should have one and before this is added to xbmc repo it shall have one, either fan generated or Ill whip something for it. Stay tuned.

ghost commented 10 years ago

I had a quick read on the GPL FAQ and I think the only option is GPLv3 as GPLv2 and v3 can't be used together.

un1versal commented 10 years ago

This However, if code is released under GPL “version 2 or later,” that is compatible with GPLv3 because GPLv3 is one of the options it permits. is from

And on Says there I want to copy code under: GPLV3 and I want to license my code under:GPLv2 or later is OK: Combination is under GPLv3 [3]

and footnote 3 is the confusing portion.

So I think the addon can be `gplv2 or later ,_ exactly that wording, and the remainder of the extjs can still be gplv3

tbh the faq isnt as clear as as I thought, heck make it gpv3 then and be done :D

un1versal commented 10 years ago

while at at this dance, it may be beneficial to make all the current features and known issues limitation not a part of readme but a full part of the wiki so we can link the wiki in the readme and leave the readme do its job, while the documentation is all part of wiki, like install instructions etc?

What say ye?

ghost commented 10 years ago

I was going to suggest the opposite and say go for GPLv2 as that's what XBMC is licensed under and use the version 2 or later wording.

Copyright 20xx [Name]

This file is part of XBMC Web Media Manager (XWMM).

XWMM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

XWMM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with XWMM. If not, see

Add copyright lines for everyone that's contributed to that file.

un1versal commented 10 years ago

Sure... thats fine with me too as long as there is no clash in between extjs licence and the gplv2 or later then its ok.

imo we should make it as simple as possible and easiest to maintain as possible. so name would be xwmm and add other names after? idk xwmm isnt an organization idk how this would work either.

Are we adding just a licence.txt or are we als adding this to the headers of all files except extjs?

ghost commented 10 years ago

See my GPLv2 branch.

un1versal commented 10 years ago

That looks awsome just two notes.

The licence.txt should be in main directory

The readme can the start referencing the wiki portions but that bit can wait until after.

Then we can add the fanart etc and when this is more or less in a stable condiion try to get it back in xbmc repos.

ghost commented 10 years ago

licence.txt is in the main directory :smirk:

un1versal commented 10 years ago

mm, it doesnt say gplv2 or later and I think it needs to on the licence.txt

ghost commented 10 years ago

I thought the same, but it does mention it

un1versal commented 10 years ago

na I mean to say or later in there, no? lol shrug I have no idea.

ghost commented 10 years ago

How about this, it's similar to what XBMC uses.

un1versal commented 10 years ago

thats it, nailed it you have. if its good enough for xbmc which faces similar problems its good enough for xwmm. do it batman ;)

un1versal commented 10 years ago

Ive updated the readme to mention the wiki now in progress etc.

Im closing this as well since its been addressed and will make a relase shortly.