slashback100 / presence_simulation

Home Assistant Presence Simulation
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Restore only some entities? #104

Closed teranex closed 7 months ago

teranex commented 7 months ago

First of all, thank you for this wonderful component! I use it with both a group of lights as well as a group of covers.

One small issue I have is with the Restore option: When I enable the option, I've been in the situation that I leave home when it is still light, during my absence it becomes dark and my covers close (good), but when i arrive back home in the dark the presence simulation opens the covers again. Only for me to manually close them again because it's dark anyway.

On the other hand, when I do not enable this option, some of the lights (such as the one in the toilet and upstairs) stay on when they are on when I arrive, so I have to manually turn those off (or don't notice and have them on for a long time while nobody is in those rooms)

Would it be possible to somehow configure this to only restore states of the light group, but not the covers group?

slashback100 commented 7 months ago

What I would imagine is tho use the #95 feature (in dev/test), create 2 switches. One with the light with the restore feature, one with the covers without the restore feature. But this enhancement is not available yet. A workaround for you would be to

teranex commented 7 months ago

By thinking a bit more about your response, i'm thinking that the most simple solution currently might be to leave the restore option off and after stopping the presence simulation to just call the light.turn_off service for the two lights which I don't want on after the simulation. Going to test that now. Thank your for your reply and the inspiration it has given me :)