slashmax / AAMirror

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After mirror resolution on phone Samsung 8+ #63

Open djmulder opened 5 years ago

djmulder commented 5 years ago

Hey there,

Love the app and works fantastically albeit with some quirks.

One of my biggest issue is the problem I have when disconnecting my phone. It reverts to a bigger gridsize which I can't reset (the option actually dissapear until a reboot.

screenshot_20181009-103709_samsung experience home s) This is what I get

screenshot_20181006-183501_samsung experience home This is what I expect.

Is there some setting I do wrong? I tried to mess with the force aspect settings but to no avail.

anhnga commented 5 years ago

To fix this, you should install tasker ver 5.6 or higher, make App task and select AAMirror application, then make task with Display size, and then chose Normal... also make exit task, chose Display size, and then chose Normal... done... with tasker app, it fix my problem when exit AAMirror app... sory for bad english skill... I'm Vietnamese... You can google how to make task in tasker....