slashmax / AAMirror

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Does not work on Pixel 3 #73

Open MrCaspan opened 5 years ago

MrCaspan commented 5 years ago

So i have a Google Pixel 3 device and Android Auto. I have the latest firmware version for my XAV-AX100 - SONY head unit. I have the latest version of Android. I am rooted with Magisk and have downloaded the most recent apps. When in android auto i get no option for AA Mirror requested only an option to "Return to Sony" Is there a reason why this does not work on my device or head unit?

Vikvek commented 5 years ago

Same here with op6t

cyberfunk commented 5 years ago

Same here LG V30+ Oreo 8.0.0 with JVC Head Unit. It Asks to "Return to JVC Home" Mirror has no effect whatsoever. Is there a current method to enable 3rd party apps or has Google closed all previous loopholes?