slashme / parliamentdiagram

Parliament diagram creator
GNU General Public License v2.0
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To add a Vice President/Officer spot? #88

Open bbraxtonlee opened 3 years ago

bbraxtonlee commented 3 years ago

Hello. I am asking if you can make a spot for a Vice President/Presiding Officer. (ex here Kamala Harris is already casting votes, and gave the Democrats the Majority in the Senate, and it would be easier to add her to the chart. Thanks!

slashme commented 3 years ago

That's a good suggestion. Won't have time to implement it in the next two weeks, but it's on my to-do list now!

Rade-Mathis commented 3 years ago

I am on my way to try to implement this.

Rade-Mathis commented 3 years ago

I will add a whole "bureau" mechanic. Users will be able to add whatever office they want, president, vice-p, secretary, ...

But I have a question: how should I call this mechanic? There will be a button add a [...]. Should I call this a "bureau", a "præsidium", ...?

I am currently going for "bureau", but my English vocabulary isn't that good, so any advice is welcome.

slashme commented 3 years ago

I would say "presiding officers".

bbraxtonlee commented 2 years ago

Hello, I am curious to when this enhancement will be completed (timeline)? thanks :)

slashme commented 2 years ago

Now that @Rade-Mathis is busy implementing it, I would assume that you won't have to wait that much longer, but of course, as we are volunteers, you can't expect a concrete timeline!

Rade-Mathis commented 2 years ago

Idk. I only work I'm feeling like it. Which is not that often.

I'm in holliday, so maybe in 2 weeks. But maybe not.

Rade-Mathis commented 2 years ago

I have nearly finished the web interface. So I guess half of the job is done.

Rade-Mathis commented 2 years ago

Well. I don't have much, and won't have much until months. So it might only be available somewhere during the winter

Rade-Mathis commented 2 years ago

Work in progress folks.




braxtonklee commented 2 years ago

Hi! I’ve been waiting for over a year, is there an ET of completion? No rush, just curious!

braxtonklee commented 2 years ago

And another suggestion for the future (want to get the original request published first), maybe add a toggle button for if that bureau should affect the number in the parliament diagram (example, US Senate President isn’t a member, so you would toggle that switch on to make it say only 100 members). Again no rush I was just suggesting and definitely want the original request published first!