Added a button that allows users to save their timetables as a URL. This makes it easier to share timetables with others. Users can also import others' timetables and save them as their own.
Added dependencies
Added lz-string package to handle URL compression.
Other Changes
Imports were automatically sorted by my code formatter.
Since the entire timetable is compressed into a single URL, very long timetables can result in lengthy URLs. For example, if a user has more than 23 classes, the generated URL may exceed the recommended length limit of 2000 characters.
URL Export Feature
Added a button that allows users to save their timetables as a URL. This makes it easier to share timetables with others. Users can also import others' timetables and save them as their own.
Added dependencies
Added lz-string package to handle URL compression.
Other Changes
Imports were automatically sorted by my code formatter.
Since the entire timetable is compressed into a single URL, very long timetables can result in lengthy URLs. For example, if a user has more than 23 classes, the generated URL may exceed the recommended length limit of 2000 characters.