in functions.en.tex we have $\nappa{f}x=y$, which is supposed to mark up the fact that the function (variable) f is applied to the argument z. I want this to generate
I have tried changing the first child of the XMApp to <ltx:XMTok name='#2' />, and indeed this gives me a variable, but it has the wrong name: it is <om:OMV name="normal-f"/>
@dginev, could you have a look? I suspect this should be easy for you.
@m-iancu fixing this would solve the errors of the form
parse error: Cannot resolve module for latexml?f from theory
which have been appearing lately (since I started using \nappa consistently in SMGloM).
From @kohlhase on October 30, 2014 7:56
we have$\nappa{f}x=y$
, which is supposed to mark up the fact that the function (variable)f
is applied to the argumentz
. I want this to generatebut it generates
because we have in
I have tried changing the first child of the
to<ltx:XMTok name='#2' />
, and indeed this gives me a variable, but it has the wrong name: it is<om:OMV name="normal-f"/>
@dginev, could you have a look? I suspect this should be easy for you.@m-iancu fixing this would solve the errors of the form
which have been appearing lately (since I started using
consistently in SMGloM).Copied from original issue: KWARC/sTeX#33