slatex / LaTeXML-Plugin-sTeX

A LaTeXML Plugin for Semantic LaTeX (sTeX)
LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c
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implement precedences for \napp* and \anapp* in cmath.sty.ltxml #45

Open kohlhase opened 8 years ago

kohlhase commented 8 years ago

From @kohlhase on October 15, 2014 20:37

I have (relatively) new macros in cmath.sty.ltxml. They all have precedence keys, which need to be implemented (but are not).

But I guess that before that can be implemented, I need to get clear on what this means anyways. It seems to me that we want to have a new base case for the presentation, where something like

<OMA class="infix" p="500" p1="499">
    <OMV name="*"/>
    <OMV name="a"/>
    <OMV name="b"/>

that should be presented as


given the right current precedence (otherwise enclosed by brackets). I guess I first have to get clear on this with @m-iancu before we can really implement this in sTeX.

Copied from original issue: KWARC/sTeX#31

kohlhase commented 8 years ago

\vardef alleviates some of this, so removing the priority