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get rid of the topsect option in notesslides.cls #288

Closed kohlhase closed 2 years ago

kohlhase commented 2 years ago

We have to use


instead of the more intuitive


because otherwise beamer does not find the chapter counter. But topsect=chapter should really be induced by class=book. This seems to be a left-over peculiarity of sTeX1

Jazzpirate commented 2 years ago

shouldn't the topsect for book be "part" rather than "chapter"? Either way, the two options exist, so I don't think it's a good idea to force one or the other merely based on the class...

(I did find a typo in the code though, so that would have broken things). What currently (soon, after a push) happens is that if the class is book and no topsect is set, the the topsect is part(!), otherwise the (default) topsect is section. That looks right to me...?

kohlhase commented 2 years ago

..., the two options exist, so I don't think it's a good idea to force one or the other merely based on the class...

I think the option only existed, since I could not get the topsect inference to work properly :-( I guess I did not find the typo).

Jazzpirate commented 2 years ago

I think the option only existed, since I could not get the topsect inference to work properly :-( I guess I did not find the typo).

Sorry, by "the two options" I meant "part" and "chapter" in the case of class=book. Point being, that depending on the use case the intended topsect it could be either of the two, so I think it's a good idea to leave topsect as a package/class option so that users can choose between (at least) the two.

kohlhase commented 2 years ago

you are right. I did try it without the topsect=chapter and that is not what I wanted.

BTW, Then I get "PartI" and "Chapter1" (missing blank) in the sectocframes Maybe that can still be fixed.

Jazzpirate commented 2 years ago

I get "PartI" and "Chapter1" (missing blank) in the sectocframes

fixed and pushed

kohlhase commented 2 years ago

works. thanks.