slatex / sTeX

A semantic Extension of TeX/LaTeX
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marking up defining occurrences of symbols (with notations but without verbalizations) #307

Closed kohlhase closed 2 years ago

kohlhase commented 2 years ago

We can currently mark up the defining occurrence of the verbalization of a symbol with \definiendum or \definame. That takes care of all symbols that have verbalizations. But there are symbols (e.g. \UnionCollection from smglom/sets/source/union.en.tex) that do not have verbalizations. For those we can only use the \begin{sdefinition}[for=UnionCollection} mechanism, which is a bit coarse (it only says "what definition", not "where in that definition", which could inform presentational semantic services).

I am not sure that the best way of doing this is, but I could imagine that a \symdef{foo} and \notation{foo} defines a new macro \foo*, which expands exactly like \foo, only that it marks the occurrence as defining.

We currently have (and use) the \defeq and \fundefeq symbols that "do the right thing", but not at the sTeX level that I am calling for here. We could also use the \definiendum function differently in math mode. Then \foo* from above would be an abbreviation of \definiendum{foo}\foo.

Jazzpirate commented 2 years ago

Duplication of #326