slatex / sTeX

A semantic Extension of TeX/LaTeX
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CJK support for sTeX #308

Open kohlhase opened 2 years ago

kohlhase commented 2 years ago

Chinese, Japanese, and Korean languages are not supported yet by sTeX. This is not trivial, since unicode support in pdflatex is patchy. XeTeX is the tool for that. And Takuto Asakura tells me that there is a CJK version of texstudio, but there is also a good overview on [how to do CJK in TeXLive](Document about Japanese TeX: (unfortunately in Japanese).

sTeX uses pdflatex and RusTeX for processing and that would have to be updated to CJK. This is important, since we have ca. 100 modules in Chinese in the SMGloM.

Jazzpirate commented 2 years ago

in principle, the sTeX package is probably pretty compatible with xetex (which is probably the only reasonable way to support CJK). We'd need someone to try - I'm guessing the chinese files we have are difficult to port to sTeX3 without being able to read or type chinese.

RusTeX is going to be the main problem...

kohlhase commented 2 years ago

We'd need someone to try - I'm guessing the chinese files we have are difficult to port to sTeX3 without being able to read or type chinese.

they should already be ported, after all only the macros changed.