slatex / sTeX

A semantic Extension of TeX/LaTeX
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HTML Frontend for problem.sty #317

Open kohlhase opened 2 years ago

kohlhase commented 2 years ago

We need to specify the interactions with semantic problems in the generated HTML. For the generated PDF, we already have something of a solution implemented.

Version 1

  1. The content of the sproblem env is printed
  2. The visibility of the solution is subject to the document or didactic context (usually explicitly governed with \startsolutions and \stopsolutions macros in the document. If solutions are allowed, a. For each of the solution environment we create a button that toggles the visibility of the solution. This to prevent students from peeking and cheating themselves. b. The button might also include a title/desciption (see #316) of the solution if present
  3. For mcb blocks, we need a a submit button that will generate feedback.
  4. each \mcc should show the choice (probably as radio buttons), uppon submit (if that is enabled; see 3.) the choices are feedbacked using the information provided

Version 2

should specifie based on discussions with the DDI people in the Voll_KI, possibly alread taking the ILIAS facilities in into account. Here are some ideas already.