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why is stexthm.sty not loaded in notesslides.sty #319

Closed kohlhase closed 2 years ago

kohlhase commented 2 years ago

I am currently rethinking the color design for MiKoSlides (and correspondingly for notesslides.sty), concretely I do not like that \titleemph, \defemph, and \symrefemph are the same color. At least \titleemph should be different; since I like the plain blue for \titleemph, I wanted to change \defemh and \symrefemph to SteelBlue (from [svgnames]xcolor.

And there I see that notesslides.sty defines


and stexthm.stydefines

\def\compemph#1{\ifcsname textcolor\endcsname\textcolor{blue}{#1}\else#1\fi}
\def\symrefemph#1{\ifcsname textcolor\endcsname\textcolor{blue}{#1}\else#1\fi}
\def\defemph#1{\ifcsname textcolor\endcsname\textcolor{blue}{\textbf{#1}}\else\textbf{#1}\fi}
\def\varemph#1{\ifcsname textcolor\endcsname\textcolor{gray}{#1}\else#1\fi}

and that (contrary to what I thought and intended) notesslides.sty does not require stexthm.sty; instead both are required in MiKoMH/meta-inf/lib/preamble.sty. That seems weird and suboptimal, and I would like to chnage this. I suspect that we talked about this, but I forget the intuitions.

@Jazzpirate could you remind me?

Jazzpirate commented 2 years ago

stexthm is pure convenience/examplary for how to style the various macros. I don't think it should be loaded by default anywhere. Similarly, I don't think notesslides should declare any colored highlights - the themes should do that, in my opinion; that's what a theme is for, after all.

i.e. not only should notesslides not load stexthm, I don't think the \defs above should be in notesslides either ;)

kohlhase commented 2 years ago

stexthm is pure convenience/examplary for how to style the various macros. I don't think it should be loaded by default anywhere.

I differ with you there. stexthm.sty was developed with and for notesslides.sty it is also exemplary. I want to use it at least for MiKoMH by default.

Similarly, I don't think notesslides should declare any colored highlights - the themes should do that, in my opinion; that's what a theme is for, after all.

I think you are right on this. So I will move the highlights to the sTeX theme.

kohlhase commented 2 years ago

OK, I have reworked that and pushed. Things should be cleaner now. @Jazzpirate Please have a look and close if you are happy with this.