slavaim / MacOSX-FileSystem-Filter

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how to change data in pagein hooked function #6

Open sdhzdmzzl opened 5 years ago

sdhzdmzzl commented 5 years ago

Hi,slavaim: I used this code to modify some data , read write rename truncate all works. but I don't know how to modify data in pagein and pageout procedure. my code like belows: `int FltVnopPageinHook( __in struct vnop_pagein_args *ap )

{ int (origVnop)(struct vnop_pagein_args ap); origVnop = (int ()(struct vnop_pagein_args))FltGetOriginalVnodeOp( ap->a_vp, FltVopEnum_pagein ); assert( origVnop );

char procname[1024] ={0};
proc_selfname( procname, 1024);
int ret = origVnop( ap );
if(0 == strcmp("test", procname))
    char path[1024] = {0};
    int len = 1024;
    vn_getpath(ap->a_vp, path, &len);
    int flags =UPL_RET_ONLY_DIRTY;
    vm_offset_t map = NULL;
    vm_offset_t map1 = NULL;
    upl_t upl = NULL;
    upl_page_info_t* uplpageinfo = NULL;
        flags = flags | UPL_UBC_MSYNC;
        flags = flags | UPL_UBC_PAGEIN;
    //ubc_create_upl(ap->a_vp, ap->a_f_offset, ap->a_size, &upl, &uplpageinfo, UPL_UBC_PAGEIN|UPL_RET_ONLY_ABSENT);
    ubc_create_upl(ap->a_vp, ap->a_f_offset, ap->a_size, &upl, &uplpageinfo, UPL_UBC_PAGEIN|UPL_FLAGS_NONE);
    //ubc_upl_map(ap->a_pl, &map);
    ubc_upl_map(upl, &map1);
    char *p = (char*)map1;
    *p = '5';
        //ubc_upl_abort_range(upl,  ap->a_f_offset, ap->a_size, UPL_ABORT_FREE_ON_EMPTY);
return ret;

} ` for example, If a text file which content is "aaaa", after hook pagein function, I want the user who view it to see its content as "5aaa",but above codes don't work. thanks for your reply.

kingfly629 commented 4 weeks ago

hey,sdhzdmzzl! how do you solve this problem? as i known , the action of read() may no trigger pagein()