slavavdovichenko / MediaLibDemos

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Is it possible to publish all IPAD screen instead of only camera? #25

Open gurkanus opened 10 years ago

gurkanus commented 10 years ago

We are planning to put some screens on ipad and want also these to be submitted to Wowza, not just camera(we made it smaller than usual). Is it possible?


slavavdovichenko commented 10 years ago


BroadcastStreamClient class has VIDEO_CUSTOM mode - you can construct your own frames and push it to the stream by method: -(BOOL)sendFrame:(CVPixelBufferRef)pixelBuffer timestamp:(int)timestamp

For example, I've modified Apple's SqareCam sample to illustrate this feature - if you give me your email I'll send to you the changed files from SqareCam project.

Slava The Midnight Coders, Inc.

chirag225 commented 8 years ago

i have same problem can you send me sqarecam sample