slavavdovichenko / MediaLibDemos

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Cannot connect wowza server with authentication #35

Open Narcissuz opened 10 years ago

Narcissuz commented 10 years ago

in project RTMPStreamPublisher

Cannot connect to wowza server with authentication.


if 0 // use inside RTMPClient instance

upstream = [[BroadcastStreamClient alloc] initOnlyVideo:hostTextField.text resolution:resolution]; upstream.parameters = @[@"myUsername", @"myPassword"];

else // use outside RTMPClient instance

if (!socket) { socket = [[RTMPClient alloc] init:hostTextField.text]; if (!socket) { [self showAlert:@"Socket has not be created"]; return; }

[socket spawnSocketThread];


upstream = [[BroadcastStreamClient alloc] initWithClient:socket resolution:resolution];


//orientation = AVCaptureVideoOrientationPortrait; //orientation = AVCaptureVideoOrientationPortraitUpsideDown; //orientation = AVCaptureVideoOrientationLandscapeRight; orientation = AVCaptureVideoOrientationLandscapeLeft; //orientation = orientation % AVCaptureVideoOrientationLandscapeLeft + 1; [upstream setVideoOrientation:orientation];

// [upstream setVideoBitrate:136000]; //[upstream setVideoBitrate:4000]; //[upstream setAudioBitrate:4000];

upstream.delegate = self;

[upstream stream:streamTextField.text publishType:PUBLISH_LIVE]; //[upstream stream:streamTextField.text publishType:PUBLISH_RECORD]; //[upstream stream:streamTextField.text publishType:PUBLISH_APPEND];

btnConnect.title = @"Disconnect";

Please advice

Narcissuz commented 10 years ago

Please reply

slavavdovichenko commented 10 years ago


How can I reproduce this situation? What version of Wowza Media Server do you use? How did you set the authentication mode on the server - give me the configuration files.

Narcissuz commented 10 years ago

wowza version 4.0.4

Please advice


Narcissuz commented 10 years ago

in file Application.xml

screen shot 2014-07-29 at 10 56 00

Vishal0057 commented 9 years ago

I am passing user credentials as rtmp:// But this is giving me an error NetStream.Publish.Denied. Logs are below.

If above is the wrong way to do, then How to pass credentials in RTMP url while making session, If I would like to provide secure publish?

aramikg commented 8 years ago

anyone have a solution to this?

ashkan84f commented 8 years ago

Have anybody found any solution?

bgwasja commented 8 years ago

do you have some updates about this issue ?