slavfox / Cozette

A bitmap programming font optimized for coziness 💜
MIT License
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Symbols for text based status bar #4

Closed stubbornGarrett closed 4 years ago

stubbornGarrett commented 4 years ago

For text based status bars like i3bar, i3blocks, xmobar, dwm-bar, etc., it would be great to have some symbols to label displayed informations (temperature, volume, memory, ...). Are there already plans to include such ones?

Below I listed some specific symbols, which I use or have used at some point, with the corresponding unicode of font-awesome / nerd-fonts.



Temperature (in my opinion, full, empty, ..., are not necessary)

Web browser (I saw that nf-dev-* is already on the roadmap, so most browser icons should be included there. The globe would be multifunctional)

Network (\ue619 is already included but it got only 3/4 of height, which looks funny in my specific setup. One with a third "wave" would be nice or maybe a variation which is symmetrical, like the one below)





Weather (I don't use them but often see them in use on r/unixporn) e.g. cloud-sun (f6c4 / e21d)

I triple checked and hope, that I didn't list anything that's already included.

slavfox commented 4 years ago

Will do! Nerdfonts glyphs are a priority for inclusion (and so, all inclusion requests for them will get accepted and implemented), but there's so many of them that I wait for someone to request support for specific tools/glyphs before implementing them. This will go into the next release.

slavfox commented 4 years ago

These are now in the repo, I'll make a new release including these glyphs and the cyrillic block (#5) this weekend.

frytkisasmaczne commented 2 years ago

you probably forgot about the plug (f1e6) thanks for the font