slavikb / BaiMon

ESP8266 - based Vaillant boiler E-Bus monitor, temperature/pressure publishing to
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Controller resets Vaillant VRC630 calorMatic #5

Open bofruehw opened 3 years ago

bofruehw commented 3 years ago

I have a problem because the controller reset my Vaillant VRC630 calorMatic when I connect it, connect ESP and when I send a telegram. In an idle situation without ESP connected after the green led in it is on and everything works.

Additionally, I'm not sure how to determine device addresses.

Any suggestions?

THX Regards

slavikb commented 3 years ago

Hi, Looks like VRC630 has different command to read parametrs (and different parameter IDs). I advise you to examine OpenHab ebus bindings:

For my TurboTec (identification: BAI00) commands are described here:

For VRC630 you should look here:

It seems commands really differ. For example, to read temperature: BAI00: " Flow temperature D.040 (°C)": command: "B5 09", data: "0D 18 00", dst: "08", VRC630: " Flow temperature (°C)" command: "B5 09", data: "0D 02 00", dst: "15", Unfortunately I did not found command to read pressure. I have no other sources of information, so cannot help further.

To determine your boiler address you can try to use [Diagnostics] page and monitor raw EBus data to spot periodic broadcasts from boiler. To avoid boiler resets, just comment out code that sends commands to the boiler (function: ProcessMonitor, force needRequest=false).