slavonic / cu-tex

Church Slavonic support for TeX and derivatives
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better definition of underscore (that does not interfere with fontspec) #41

Closed pgmmpk closed 8 years ago

pgmmpk commented 8 years ago

@typiconman I believe I found the solution for the underscore in font definition parameters. Please check

typiconman commented 8 years ago

I don't think it works. Try doing:


after calling


pgmmpk commented 8 years ago

@typiconman Try this. I do not understand why it works, but it seem to do the trick. Please confirm

typiconman commented 8 years ago

It's still not working for me:

`................................................. . fontspec info: "defining-font" . . Font family 'PonomarUnicode.otf(0)' created for font 'PonomarUnicode.otf' . with options []. . . This font family consists of the following shapes: . . * 'normal' with NFSS spec.: . <->"[PonomarUnicode.otf]/ICU:script=latn;language=DFLT;" .................................................

! Missing \endcsname inserted.

\char l.39 ...ures=TeX,HyphenChar=_]{PonomarUnicode.otf} ? x `
typiconman commented 8 years ago

FYI, I don't know if this is the desired behavior, but the \cuMarginMarkText command redefines the subsequent \cuMarginMark. Example:

\cuMarginMark{※} A small black mark \def\cuMarginMarkText#1{\cuKinovar{#1}} \cuMarginMark{※} A small red mark \def\cuMarginMarkText#1{\Huge \cuKinovar{#1}} \cuMarginMark{※} A huge red mark

pgmmpk commented 8 years ago

Yes, this is as designed. Idea is the you define font/size/color of margin marks once - in the preamble and afterwards just use \cuMarginMark (local changes still possible via something like \cuMarginMark{{\tiny а}}).

Since you find it surprising, lets discuss alternatives. What would be a better interface to allow customization of font/size/color of margin marks?

typiconman commented 8 years ago

No, I think this makes sense. It's just not clear from the documentation. We should document it. \cuMarginMark{{\tiny а}} makes sense as well; I think we should document it too.

pgmmpk commented 8 years ago

@typiconman please check the latest changes to the docs:

typiconman commented 8 years ago

Made a few spellings corrections and fixed a typo that was causing Make to error-out.