slayher / CM7_Mecha_issue

Bug tracker for Cyanogenmod 7 for HTC Thunderbolt
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Car Radio Bluetooth Call Issues #25

Closed DizzyThermal closed 12 years ago

DizzyThermal commented 12 years ago

Hey, just wanted to share the issues I have been having with my Car's Bluetooth Radio..

I normally use my car radio with my phone (over Bluetooth) to listen to my Music. I believe in the latest RC's of the Thunderbolt I have been having call issues..

For example..

If while connected to Bluetooth I do this: Place call, and shut Bluetooth off (on the dial screen), I will SOMETIMES get a Dialing Tone..

If I don't get a Dialing Tone, the other person still gets called and cannot hear me.. If I do get a Dialing Tone, the other person cannot hear me, however I can hear them..

The only way I can properly talk to someone is if they call me while I am on Bluetooth, OR I call them while my Bluetooth is disabled..

This stuff might be known by slayer, but hey, figured I'd share this in case he didn't know..