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Subject: Drakenians - The Ruthless Legion Lor #3

Closed AngelOfDarkess closed 1 year ago

AngelOfDarkess commented 1 year ago

Introduction: The Drakenians are a formidable species of sentient alien humanoid lizards, characterized by their aggressive nature, primal instincts, and rare genetic mutations. Native to the planet Yanderya, these fearsome creatures possess unique capabilities, including the extraordinary ability to breathe fire, flight, and regeneration. However, it should be noted that these abilities are extremely rare among their species, with fire breathing being the rarest, followed by flight and then regeneration. Those who possess such attributes are revered as various forms of royalty within their clans. Regardless of these rare genetic mutations, Drakenians have a predatorial gene factor that shapes their culture and military structure.

Physical Attributes: a. Strength and Agility: Drakenians are known for their immense physical strength and unparalleled agility. Their muscular frames and powerful limbs enable them to engage in close combat with exceptional prowess, making them formidable adversaries on the battlefield.

b. Fire Breath: The rarest attribute among Drakenians is the ability to exhale scorching flames. These select few individuals possess the power to unleash devastating fire breath upon their enemies, capable of incinerating targets within a short range.

c. Flight: Another rare attribute among Drakenians is the ability to develop wings and achieve flight. While only a small percentage of the population can accomplish this feat, those who possess flight are regarded as esteemed members of their society and are often seen as forms of royalty within their clans.

d. Regeneration: A notable but relatively rarer trait among Drakenians is their ability to regenerate wounds. Individuals with this extraordinary feature can recover from even the most severe injuries at an accelerated rate, granting them exceptional resilience and the ability to continue fighting with minimal hindrance.

Cultural Significance: a. Aggression and Predatorial Nature: Drakenian culture is deeply rooted in their aggressive instincts and predatorial gene factor. They possess an innate drive to hunt, conquer, and dominate, reflecting their primal origins. Their society thrives on the thrill of the hunt and the pursuit of power through combat. b. Trials of Combat and Blood: Within the Drakenian ranks, trials of combat and blood are common practice. Drakenians engage in fierce battles to rise in rank and assert their dominance. These trials serve as a way to test an individual's combat prowess, strategic acumen, and ability to endure and overcome hardships. The victorious Drakenians are revered and rewarded with higher positions within their clans.

c. Repressed Empathy: The Drakenians repress empathy and compassion, considering them signs of weakness. Emotional detachment is highly valued, as it allows them to focus solely on their aggressive instincts, predatory nature, and military objectives.

Military Alliance: The Drakenians, recognizing their strength and combat prowess, have forged a formidable alliance with humans and the Empire. This alliance serves as a mutually beneficial arrangement, as the Drakenians' rare abilities, including fire breathing, flight, and regeneration, contribute to the alliance's military might. In turn, the humans and the Empire provide technological advancements and strategic support.

Role in the Galactic Federation: The Drakenians' exceptional capabilities, particularly their rare attributes of fire breathing, flight, and regeneration, make them highly sought after within the ruthless galactic federation known as the Empire. Those who possess fire breathing are regarded as the most revered forms of royalty within their clans, followed by those with flight and regeneration. With their fiery breath, aerial superiority, and ability to recover rapidly, they instill fear and chaos among their enemies, leaving devastation in their wake.

Conclusion: The Drakenians' cultural development is deeply influenced by their aggressive instincts, predatorial gene factor, and the pursuit of power through combat. Trials of combat and blood are common within their species, serving as a means to rise in rank and assert dominance. Regardless of the rare genetic mutations that grant them fire breathing, flight, or regeneration, all Drakenians are expected to prove their worth through battle. As an essential component of the Empire's ruthless galactic federation, the Drakenians strike fear into the hearts of their enemies and ensure victory through their unyielding aggression, unmatched combat prowess, and the exceptional physical attributes they possess. Their alliance with humans and the Empire combines their primal instincts with advanced technology and strategic support, making them an unstoppable force in the pursuit of conquest and dominance.

However, it is important to note that the Drakenians' culture of aggression and repressed empathy presents challenges in their interactions with other species. Their single-minded focus on warfare and conquest may lead to tensions and misunderstandings within the galactic community. As they continue to grow and evolve within the Empire's ranks, the Drakenians' cultural development and integration will be an ongoing process that requires careful consideration and understanding from their allies.

In conclusion, the Drakenians of Yanderya are a formidable species, driven by their aggressive nature, predatorial gene factor, and the pursuit of power through combat. Their rare genetic attributes, including fire breathing, flight, and regeneration, further elevate their prowess on the battlefield. As they continue to strengthen their alliance with humans and the Empire, the Drakenians will play a crucial role in the Empire's quest for dominance in the galaxy.

End of Report.



The Drakenians' complicated history with humans is marked by a long-standing conflict that led to extreme warfare between the two species. This prolonged strife created deep animosity and a mutual distaste for each other. However, since their alliance with the Empire, both Drakenians and humans have put aside their past grievances and chosen to work together towards a common goal.

The root cause of the conflict between Drakenians and humans lies in their shared pride and desire for dominance. Both species possess a strong sense of pride in their respective strengths and capabilities. The Drakenians, with their aggressive nature and predatory instincts, view themselves as the epitome of power and seek to assert their dominance over other species. Similarly, humans, with their intelligence, adaptability, and technological advancements, harbor a deep-rooted desire for supremacy in the galaxy.

These parallel ambitions, fueled by pride and a thirst for dominance, led to clashes and confrontations between Drakenians and humans in the past. The resulting warfare intensified the already strained relationship, causing further division and animosity between the two species.

However, with the emergence of the Empire as a formidable galactic federation, both Drakenians and humans recognized the advantages of setting aside their differences and forming an alliance. The Empire's quest for conquest and dominance presented an opportunity for both species to unite their strengths and forge a path towards their shared objectives. The common enemy and the allure of power offered by the Empire served as a catalyst for reconciliation and cooperation.

While the scars of the past conflict still linger, the Drakenians and humans have chosen to prioritize their alliance with the Empire and work together towards their mutual goals. This newfound collaboration has allowed them to harness their respective strengths and overcome their prideful instincts, paving the way for a more strategic and unified approach in their pursuit of dominance in the galaxy.

As the alliance between the Drakenians, humans, and the Empire continues to evolve, it remains a delicate balance of trust, cooperation, and mutual respect. The lessons learned from their tumultuous history serve as a constant reminder of the importance of setting aside pride and working together to achieve their shared objectives.

End of Addendum.

slbsh commented 1 year ago

same as #5