slds-lmu / iml-shiny-summary

Shiny Dashboard showing an interpretation summary for any model
MIT License
3 stars 2 forks source link

Improve README #1

Open christophM opened 4 years ago

christophM commented 4 years ago

Please add following to the readme:

QWERTZ11 commented 4 years ago


christophM commented 4 years ago

Please also add the following two things:

library(iml) library(mlr) Loading required package: ParamHelpers lrn = makeLearner("regr.rpart") tsk = bh.task dat = getTaskData(bh.task) mod = train(lrn, tsk) pred = Predictor$new(mod, dat) saveRDS(pred, file = "mod.RDS")

christophM commented 4 years ago

Please add a screenshot of the app.

Also a sentence in the beginning: The app shows the partial dependence plots and permutation feature important for any machine learning model. It can also explain individual predictions with Shapley Values.