Closed ThomasAlt closed 5 years ago
Your comment "Problem to order the importance within the graphic.": This issue should be fixed by: ploco0 <- ggplot(data = FIP0 ,aes(reorder(x=feature02, X=imp0), y = imp0)) + #### hier fehler geom_point(size=3, shape=21, fill="white") +... (delete aes from geom_point and reorder x-values according to their importance)
loop can be simplified: result0 <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=1,ncol=length(feat0))) for(i in 1:length(feat0)){ taskfeat0 = dropFeatures(task0, feat0[i]) mod.feat0 = train(learner0, taskfeat0) resfeat0 = resample(learner = learner0, task = taskfeat0, resampling = res_desc, = FALSE); result0[i] = resfeat0$aggr-res$aggr }
There is a unfortunate/wrong sentence in the summary: "In the literature other learning algorithms also showed similar results, like the random forest calculated by the out-of bag observations or neural networks." Of course, the random forest is not another learning algorithm. Here the Feature Importance is calculated using the OOB observations. This sentence should be corrected before publishing the book.
To Do: