slds-lmu / yahpo_gym

Surrogate benchmarks for HPO problems
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allow setting conditional parameters constant #69

Closed Jannoshh closed 3 months ago

Jannoshh commented 1 year ago

Currently BenchmarkSet.set_constant doesn't work for conditional hyperparameters. This produces an error:

bench = benchmark_set.BenchmarkSet("rbv2_xgboost")
bench.set_constant("colsample_bylevel", 1.0)

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In [3], line 5
      3 bench.set_instance("12")
      4 bench.set_constant("colsample_bylevel", 1.0)
----> 5 bench.get_opt_space()

File ~/opt/anaconda3/envs/bo/lib/python3.9/site-packages/yahpo_gym/, in BenchmarkSet.get_opt_space(self, drop_fidelity_params, seed)
    210 cs = CS.ConfigurationSpace(seed = seed)
    211 cs.add_hyperparameters(hps)
--> 212 cs.add_conditions(cnds)
    213 cs.add_forbidden_clauses(fbds)
    214 return cs

File ConfigSpace/configuration_space.pyx:396, in ConfigSpace.configuration_space.ConfigurationSpace.add_conditions()

File ConfigSpace/configuration_space.pyx:448, in ConfigSpace.configuration_space.ConfigurationSpace._check_edges()

ValueError: Child hyperparameter 'colsample_bylevel, Type: UniformFloat, Range: [0.01, 1.0], Default: 0.505' different to hyperparameter with the same name in configuration space: 'colsample_bylevel, Type: Constant, Value: 1.0'.

When you inspect the optimization space the _colsamplebylevel hyperparameter is listed twice, presumably because the old non-constant parameter is still part of a condition. You should be able to fix it by using _ConfigurationSpace.substitute_hyperparameters_inconditions in _BenchmarkSet.get_optspace to replace the old conditions with new conditions. But this also doesn't work because _ConfigurationSpace.substitute_hyperparameters_inconditions is bugged for InCondition conditions. I have a fix for both of these issues but fixing them still breaks _BenchmarkSet.objectivefunction, which is more annoying to circumvent and I still don't know why it even breaks.

sumny commented 1 year ago

Hi @Jannoshh and thanks for the issue. After playing around for some time, I believe that the most prominent bug (the configspace breaking and ConfigurationSpace.substitute_hyperparameters_in_condition not working as expected cannot) be fixed in YAHPO directly but should rather be fixed in configspace directly

Can you maybe provide an example how your configuration looks like after you applied your fixes (I have a fix for both of these issues but fixing them still breaks BenchmarkSet.objective_function, which is more annoying to circumvent and I still don't know why it even breaks.)?

pfistfl commented 3 months ago

Closed due to inactivity