sle118 / squeezelite-esp32

ESP32 Music streaming based on Squeezelite, with support for multi-room sync, AirPlay, Bluetooth, Hardware buttons, display and more
1.19k stars 108 forks source link

dac_controlset "gpio":<gpio> not working #359

Closed haldi4803 closed 10 months ago

haldi4803 commented 10 months ago

Describe the bug

Cannot toggle GPIO Pins

Preliminary Information

  1. Firmware Version: 1613 (Special Edition from Artefacts with GPIO Control!)

Hardware Details

WaveShare EPS32 One

NVS Settings

  "a2dp_ctmt": "1000",
  "a2dp_ctrld": "500",
  "a2dp_dev_name": "Merus",
  "a2dp_sink_name": "Merus",
  "a2dp_spin": "0000",
  "actrls_config": "",
  "airplay_name": "Merus",
  "airplay_port": "5000",
  "ap_channel": "1",
  "ap_ip_address": "",
  "ap_ip_gateway": "",
  "ap_ip_netmask": "",
  "ap_pwd": "squeezelite",
  "ap_ssid": "Merus",
  "autoexec": "1",
  "autoexec1": "squeezelite -o i2s -s -b 500:2000 -C 30 -d all=info -n Merus",
  "bat_config": "",
  "bt_name": "Merus",
  "bt_sink_pin": "1234",
  "bt_sink_volume": "127",
  "bypass_wm": "0",
  "cspot_config": "{\t\"deviceName\":\t\"Merus\",\t\"bitrate\":\t160,\t\"zeroConf\":\t1}",
  "dac_config": "model=I2S,bck=26,ws=32,do=25,sda=18,scl=23,i2c=32",
  "dac_controlset": "{\"poweron\":{\"gpio\":19,\"level\":1}}",
  "dhcp_tmout": "8",
  "display_config": "",
  "enable_airplay": "1",
  "enable_bt_sink": "1",
  "enable_cspot": "1",
  "equalizer": "0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0",
  "eth_config": "",
  "ethtmout": "8",
  "gpio_exp_config": "",
  "host_name": "Merus",
  "i2c_config": "scl=23,sda=18,speed=100000,port=0",
  "jack_mutes_amp": "n",
  "led_brightness": "",
  "led_vu_config": "",
  "lms_ctrls_raw": "n",
  "loudness": "0",
  "metadata_config": "",
  "model_config": "",
  "ota_erase_blk": "249856",
  "ota_prio": "6",
  "ota_stack": "10240",
  "pollmin": "15",
  "pollmx": "600",
  "rel_api": "",
  "rotary_config": "",
  "set_GPIO": "",
  "sleep_config": "",
  "spdif_config": "",
  "spi_config": "",
  "stats": "n",
  "target": "",
  "telnet_block": "500",
  "telnet_buffer": "40000",
  "telnet_enable": ""


Startup Log via Serial...

rst:0xc (SW_CPU_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:1
entry 0x40080688
I (27) boot: ESP-IDF v4.3.5-dirty 2nd stage bootloader
I (27) boot: compile time 06:21:23
I (27) boot: chip revision: v3.0
I (31) qio_mode: Enabling QIO for flash chip WinBond
I (36) boot.esp32: SPI Speed      : 80MHz
I (41) boot.esp32: SPI Mode       : QIO
I (46) boot.esp32: SPI Flash Size : 4MB
I (50) boot: Enabling RNG early entropy source...
I (56) boot: Partition Table:
I (59) boot: ## Label            Usage          Type ST Offset   Length
I (66) boot:  0 nvs              WiFi data        01 02 00009000 00004000
I (74) boot:  1 otadata          OTA data         01 00 0000d000 00002000
I (81) boot:  2 phy_init         RF data          01 01 0000f000 00001000
I (89) boot:  3 recovery         factory app      00 00 00010000 00140000
I (96) boot:  4 ota_0            OTA app          00 10 00150000 002a0000
I (104) boot:  5 settings         WiFi data        01 02 003f0000 00010000
I (111) boot: End of partition table
I (116) esp_image: segment 0: paddr=00150020 vaddr=3f400020 size=b4638h (738872) map
I (328) esp_image: segment 1: paddr=00204660 vaddr=3ffbdb60 size=05a3ch ( 23100) load
I (335) esp_image: segment 2: paddr=0020a0a4 vaddr=40080000 size=05f74h ( 24436) load
I (343) esp_image: segment 3: paddr=00210020 vaddr=400d0020 size=1b33b4h (1782708) map
I (835) esp_image: segment 4: paddr=003c33dc vaddr=40085f74 size=18368h ( 99176) load
I (867) esp_image: segment 5: paddr=003db74c vaddr=400c0000 size=00068h (   104) load
I (882) boot: Loaded app from partition at offset 0x150000
I (882) boot: Disabling RNG early entropy source...
I (894) psram: This chip is ESP32-D0WD
I (894) spiram: Found 64MBit SPI RAM device
I (894) spiram: SPI RAM mode: flash 80m sram 80m
I (897) spiram: PSRAM initialized, cache is in low/high (2-core) mode.
I (905) cpu_start: Pro cpu up.
I (908) cpu_start: Starting app cpu, entry point is 0x40081408
I (901) cpu_start: App cpu up.
I (1414) spiram: SPI SRAM memory test OK
I (1426) cpu_start: Pro cpu start user code
I (1426) cpu_start: cpu freq: 240000000
I (1426) cpu_start: Application information:
I (1429) cpu_start: Project name:     Squeezelite-ESP32
I (1435) cpu_start: App version:      I2S-4MFlash-1613
I (1441) cpu_start: Compile time:     Oct 10 2023 21:01:05
I (1447) cpu_start: ELF file SHA256:  0000000000000000...
I (1453) cpu_start: ESP-IDF:          v4.3.5-dirty
I (1459) cpu_start: Min chip rev:     v1.0
I (1464) cpu_start: Max chip rev:     v3.99 
I (1469) cpu_start: Chip rev:         v3.0
I (1474) heap_init: Initializing. RAM available for dynamic allocation:
I (1481) heap_init: At 3FFAFF10 len 000000F0 (0 KiB): DRAM
I (1487) heap_init: At 3FFB6388 len 00001C78 (7 KiB): DRAM
I (1493) heap_init: At 3FFB9A20 len 00004108 (16 KiB): DRAM
I (1499) heap_init: At 3FFC6F28 len 000190D8 (100 KiB): DRAM
I (1506) heap_init: At 3FFE0440 len 00003AE0 (14 KiB): D/IRAM
I (1512) heap_init: At 3FFE4350 len 0001BCB0 (111 KiB): D/IRAM
I (1518) heap_init: At 4009E2DC len 00001D24 (7 KiB): IRAM
I (1525) spiram: Adding pool of 4018K of external SPI memory to heap allocator
I (1533) spi_flash: detected chip: winbond
I (1537) spi_flash: flash io: qio
I (1544) cpu_start: Starting scheduler on PRO CPU.
I (0) cpu_start: Starting scheduler on APP CPU.
I (1552) spiram: Reserving pool of 64K of internal memory for DMA/internal allocations
I (1562) esp_app_main: Reset reason is: 3
I (1562) esp_app_main: Reboot counter=1

I (1572) esp_app_main: Starting app_main
I (1572) nvs_utilities: Initializing flash nvs 
I (1592) nvs_utilities: Initializing nvs partition settings
I (1642) esp_app_main: Setting up telnet.
I (1642) telnet: Telnet support disabled
I (1642) esp_app_main: Setting up config subsystem.
W (1712) nvs_utilities: Configuration memory usage.  Heap internal:228263 (min:228119) (used:216) external:4095371 (min:4087523) (used:15572)
I (1712) esp_app_main: Registering default values
I (1722) system_api: Base MAC address is not set
I (1722) system_api: read default base MAC address from EFUSE
W (1732) config: Waiting for config commit ...
I (2712) config: configuration has some uncommitted entries
I (2712) config: Committing configuration to nvs. Locking config object.
I (2712) config: Done Committing configuration to nvs.
I (2712) config: Config committed!
I (2722) esp_app_main: Configuring services
I (2722) services: Configuring I2C sda:18 scl:23 port:0 speed:100000
I (2732) services: Configuring SPI mosi:-1 miso:-1 clk:-1 host:1 dc:-1
W (2742) services: no SPI configured
W (2742) led: LED GPIO -1 ignored
W (2742) led: LED GPIO -1 ignored
I (2752) led: Configuring LEDs green:-1 (on:0 rmt:-1 -1% ), red:-1 (on:0 rmt:-1 -1% )
I (2762) battery: No battery
I (2762) monitor: Initializing monitoring
I (2772) monitor: Heap internal:228507 (min:228047) external:4078787 (min:4078759) dma:221427 (min:220983)
I (2782) esp_app_main: Initializing display
I (2782) display: Trying to configure display with N/A
W (2792) display: No display driver
I (2792) esp_app_main: Initializing led_vu
I (2802) led_vu: led_vu configuration invalid
I (2802) esp_app_main: Checking for update url
W (2812) config: Value not found for key fwW (2822) config: Value not found for key apdelay
I (2822) uart: queue free spaces: 3
I (2822) network_handlers: Network manager configuration: polling max 10176, polling min 15000, ap delay 20000, dhcp timeout 8000, eth timeout 8000
I (2852) http_server: Initializing HTTP Server
I (2852) network_ethernet: Attempting to initialize Ethernet
I (2852) network_ethernet: No Ethernet configuration, or configuration invalid
I (2882) wifi:wifi driver task: 3ffdf6f8, prio:23, stack:6656, core=0
I (2882) wifi:wifi firmware version: 9ec65ef
I (2882) wifi:wifi certification version: v7.0
I (2882) wifi:config NVS flash: enabled
I (2892) wifi:config nano formating: disabled
I (2892) wifi:Init data frame dynamic rx buffer num: 40
I (2892) wifi:Init management frame dynamic rx buffer num: 40
I (2902) wifi:Init management short buffer num: 32
I (2902) wifi:Init static tx buffer num: 12
I (2912) wifi:Init tx cache buffer num: 32
I (2922) wifi:Init static rx buffer size: 1600
I (2922) wifi:Init static rx buffer num: 12
I (2932) wifi:Init dynamic rx buffer num: 40
I (2932) wifi_init: tcpip mbox: 32
I (2932) wifi_init: udp mbox: 32
I (2932) wifi_init: tcp mbox: 32
I (2942) wifi_init: tcp tx win: 8192
I (2942) wifi_init: tcp rx win: 32768
I (2952) wifi_init: tcp mss: 1440
I (2952) wifi_init: WiFi/LWIP prefer SPIRAM
I (2952) network_wifi: Starting wifi
I (2962) phy_init: phy_version 4670,719f9f6,Feb 18 2021,17:07:07
I (3052) wifi:mode : sta (24:d7:eb:28:4f:58)
I (3052) wifi:enable tsf
I (3052) network_handlers: Existing wifi config found. Attempting to connect.
I (3052) network: Starting DHCP client
I (3062) network_wifi: Wifi Connecting to bring Cookies...

Type 'help' to get the list of commands.
Use UP/DOWN arrows to navigate through command history.
Press TAB when typing command name to auto-complete.

To automatically execute lines at startup:
    Set NVS variable autoexec (U8) = 1 to enable, 0 to disable automatic execution.
    Set NVS variable autoexec[1~9] (string)to a command that should be executed automatically

Your terminal application does not support escape sequences.
Line editing and history features are disabled.
On Windows, try using Putty instead.
W (3112) console: Processing autoexec commands while network manager active.  Wifi related commands will be ignored.
I (3122) console: autoexec is set to perform auto-process
I (3132) console: Running command autoexec1 = squeezelite -o i2s -s -b 500:2000 -C 30 -d all=info -n Merus
W (3152) config: Value not found for key autoexec2
squeezelite-esp32> I (3152) squeezelite_cmd: Calling squeezelite
[00:22:27.961] sb_controls_init:249 initializing audio (buttons/rotary/ir) controls (raw:0)
[00:22:27.973] sb_displayer_init:327 no display or led visualizer for LMS
[00:22:27.974] stream_init:387 init stream
[00:22:27.975] output_init_embedded:78 init device: i2s
[00:22:27.986] output_init_common:433 supported rates: 192000 176400 96000 88200 48000 44100 32000 24000 22050 16000 12000 11025 8000 
[00:22:27.999] output_init_embedded:100 init I2S/SPDIF
I (3202) DAC core: DAC uses I2C port:0, sda:18, scl:23
E (3212) i2c: i2c driver install error
I (3212) DAC external: DAC on I2C @32
[00:22:28.012] output_init_i2s:347 configuring MCLK on GPIO -1
[00:22:28.024] output_init_i2s:359 invalid MCK gpio -1
I (3222) I2S: DMA Malloc info, datalen=blocksize=2048, dma_buf_count=12
I (3232) I2S: APLL: Req RATE: 44100, real rate: 44099.988, BITS: 16, CLKM: 1, BCK_M: 8, MCLK: 11289597.000, SCLK: 1411199.625000, diva: 1, divb: 0
[00:22:28.049] output_init_i2s:376 I2S DAC using I2S bck:26, ws:32, do:25, mute:-1:0 (res:0)
[00:22:28.050] output_init_i2s:396 Initializing I2S mode normal with rate: 44100, bits per sample: 16, buffer frames: 512, number of buffers: 12 
[00:22:28.072] equalizer_set_samplerate:121 equalizer sample rate 44100
[00:22:28. output_thread_i2s:518 Output state is -1
[00:22:28.073] output_visu_init:75 Initialize VISUEXPORT 512 16 bits samples
[00:22:28.074] output_thread_i2s:522 switching off amp GPIO -1
[00:22:28.085] output_init_embedded:108 init completed.
[00:22:28.097] decode_init:153 init decode
[00:22:28.097] register_alac:547 using alac to decode alc
[00:22:28.109] register_helixaac:686 using helix-aac to decode aac
[00:22:28.110] register_vorbis:506 using vorbis to decode ogg
[00:22:28.111] register_opus:444 using opus to decode ops
[00:22:28.121] register_flac:332 using flac to decode ogf,flc
[00:22:28.122] register_pcm:483 using pcm to decode aif,pcm
[00:22:28.133] register_mad:417 using mad to decode mp3
W (3332) BT_AV: BT Sink pin code is: [1234] 
I (3332) BTDM_INIT: BT controller compile version [2c56073]
[00:22:28.147] register_external:467 Initializing AirPlay sink
[00:22:28.149] register_external:478 Initializing CSpot sink
[00:22:28.163] slimproto:952 connecting to
[00:22:28.164] slimproto:977 unable to connect to server 0
I (3712) BT_AV: Bluetooth Init complete
I (4992) wifi:new:<12,2>, old:<1,0>, ap:<255,255>, sta:<12,2>, prof:1
I (4992) wifi:state: init -> auth (b0)
I (5862) wifi:state: auth -> assoc (0)
E (5862) wifi:Association refused temporarily, comeback time 1024 mSec
I (6882) wifi:state: assoc -> assoc (0)
I (6992) wifi:state: assoc -> run (10)
I (7002) wifi:connected with bring Cookies, aid = 9, channel 12, 40D, bssid = 00:0c:43:26:60:00
I (7002) wifi:security: WPA3-SAE, phy: bgn, rssi: -58
I (7012) wifi:pm start, type: 1

I (7082) wifi:AP's beacon interval = 102400 us, DTIM period = 2
I (8012) network: Got an IP address from interface Wifi. IP=, Gateway=, NetMask=, Address was changed
I (8022) esp_netif_handlers: sta ip:, mask:, gw:
I (8032) esp_app_main: Network connected and mDNS initialized with Merus
[00:22:32.841] raop_sink_start:178 starting Airplay for ip with servicename Merus
[00:22:32.844] raop_create:201 starting mDNS with 24D7EB284F58@Merus
I (8062) cspot: starting Spotify on host Merus
[00:22:32.890] I Shim.cpp:342: CSpot instance service name Merus (id 142137fd329622137a1490160000002722891270)
[00:22:32.892] I Shim.cpp:329: ZeroConf mode (port 80)
I (8402) httpd_handlers: serving /config.json to peer port 11989
[00:22:33.255] slimproto:999 connected
[00:22:33.257] sendHELO:153 mac: 24:d7:eb:28:4f:58
[00:22:33.257] sendHELO:155 cap: Model=squeezeesp32,AccuratePlayPoints=1,HasDigitalOut=1,HasPolarityInversion=1,Balance=1,Depth=16,Firmware=v1.0-1613-16,ModelName=SqueezeESP32,MaxSampleRate=192000,alc,aac,ogg,ops,ogf,flc,aif,pcm,mp3
[00:22:33.285] notify:228 notified server hport 9000 cport 9090
I (8482) network_status: LMS IP:, hport: 9000, cport: 9090
[00:22:33.293] decode_flush:251 decode flush
[00:22:33.293] output_flush:446 flush output buffer
[00:22:33.305] decode_flush:251 decode flush
[00:22:33.305] output_flush:446 flush output buffer
[00:22:33.309] equalizer_set_gain:165 equalizer gain 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
[00:22:33.322] equalizer_set_loudness:187 loudness 0
W (8782) httpd_txrx: httpd_sock_err: error in recv : 104
I (10092) httpd_handlers: serving /status.json to peer port 15573
I (16992) httpd_handlers: serving /status.json to peer port 16085

Issue Description

Tried GPIO1 and GPIO19 set to level 0 or level 1. 1 (pin 8 onboard) was always high and had 3.3V 19 (Pin 11 onboard) always low with 0V. According to syntax checker this should be correct {"init":{"gpio":1,"level":0}}

Haven't tried another Board yet... but that shouldn't make any difference right?

philippe44 commented 10 months ago

But it does not seem that you have tried to play something. The DAC will be powered on only when starting to play.

haldi4803 commented 10 months ago

But it does not seem that you have tried to play something. The DAC will be powered on only when starting to play.

i did about 4-5 reboots with different settings and pressing play in between. Just took the log from the last run where i pressed play after i copied the log.

philippe44 commented 10 months ago

ok, found it: two things

1- there was a bug on my side where dac_controlset was not executed if there is no i2c (now it is needed for gpio) 2- your controlset init must be an array : {"init":[{"gpio":1,"level":0}]}

I've also updated the README for better clarity

haldi4803 commented 10 months ago

This feature hasn't been included in the main build yet, right?

haldi4803 commented 10 months ago

It Partially works... Setting set_GPIO 1=vcc gives Voltage at boot. Then using: {"init":[{"gpio":1,"level":0},{"reg":53,"val":0},{"reg":54,"val":17},{"gpio":3,"level":1}]} does set it low, so no more Voltage on GPIO1 it correctly sets Registers on the chip. But then GPIO3 is always 0.9V no matter if i use level 0 or level 1

EDIT: Oh... Set_GPIO: 1=vcc, 3=vcc and now i have 3.3V on Pin! So if you need to modify a Pin High/Low you need to define it with Voltage first! Is that supposed to work that way?

Edit 2: Clarification: Using: Set_GPIO: 1=vcc, 3=vcc and Dac_Controlset: {"init":[{"gpio":1,"level":0},{"reg":53,"val":0},{"reg":54,"val":17},{"gpio":3,"level":0}]} Does put GPIO3 to Low. Before it was stuck at 0.9V when not using set_GPIO

philippe44 commented 10 months ago

No, it is not supposed to work this way, there is no need to set it twice, in fact it could/should create issues. Can you post the log of what happens during the init phase?

haldi4803 commented 10 months ago

Booting up, playing a tune for 5 seconds. Turning off the player beacuse of noise while playing.

I (1642) esp_app_main: Setting up config subsystem.
W (1712) nvs_utilities: Configuration memory usage.  Heap internal:228159 (min:2                                          28019) (used:216) external:4055015 (min:4047167) (used:15668)
I (1712) esp_app_main: Registering default values
I (1722) system_api: Base MAC address is not set
I (1722) system_api: read default base MAC address from EFUSE
W (1732) config: Waiting for config commit ...
I (2712) config: configuration has some uncommitted entries
I (2712) config: Committing configuration to nvs. Locking config object.
I (2712) config: Done Committing configuration to nvs.
I (2712) config: Config committed!
I (2722) esp_app_main: Configuring services
I (2722) services: set GPIO 1 to vcc
I (2732) services: set GPIO 3 to vcc
I (2732) services: Configuring I2C sda:18 scl:23 port:0 speed:400000
I (2742) services: Configuring SPI mosi:-1 miso:-1 clk:-1 host:1 dc:-1
W (2752) services: no SPI configured
W (2752) led: LED GPIO -1 ignored
W (2752) led: LED GPIO -1 ignored
I (2762) led: Configuring LEDs green:-1 (on:0 rmt:-1 -1% ), red:-1 (on:0 rmt:-1                                           -1% )
I (2772) battery: No battery
I (2772) monitor: Initializing monitoring
I (2772) monitor: Heap internal:228403 (min:227831) external:4038439 (min:403841                                          1) dma:221323 (min:220767)
I (2782) esp_app_main: Initializing display
I (2792) display: Trying to configure display with N/A
W (2802) display: No display driver
I (2802) esp_app_main: Initializing led_vu
I (2802) led_vu: led_vu configuration invalid
I (2812) esp_app_main: Checking for update url
W (2812) config: Value not found for key fwurl
W (2822) config: Value not found for key
I (2822) esp_app_main: Starting Network Manager
I (2832) uart: queue free spaces: 3
W (2832) config: Value not found for key apdelay
I (2832) network_handlers: Network manager configuration: polling max 10176, pol                                          ling min 15000, ap delay 20000, dhcp timeout 8000, eth timeout 8000
I (2852) http_server: Initializing HTTP Server
I (2852) network_ethernet: Attempting to initialize Ethernet
I (2862) network_ethernet: No Ethernet configuration, or configuration invalid
I (2882) wifi:wifi driver task: 3ffdf9dc, prio:23, stack:6656, core=0
I (2882) wifi:wifi firmware version: 9ec65ef
I (2882) wifi:wifi certification version: v7.0
I (2882) wifi:config NVS flash: enabled
I (2892) wifi:config nano formating: disabled
I (2892) wifi:Init data frame dynamic rx buffer num: 40
I (2892) wifi:Init management frame dynamic rx buffer num: 40

I (2902) wifi:Init management short buffer num: 32
I (2902) wifi:Init static tx buffer num: 12
I (2912) wifi:Type 'help' to get the list of commands.
Use UP/DOWN arrows to navigate through command history.
Press TAB when typing command name to auto-complete.

Init tx cache buffer num: 32
I (2932) wifi:Init static rx buffer size: 1600
I (2932) wifi:Init static rx buffer num: 12To automatically execute lines at sta                                          rtup:
        Set NVS variable autoexec (U8) = 1 to enable, 0 to disable automatic exe                                          cution.
        Set NVS variable autoexec[1~9] (string)to a command that should be execu                                          ted automatically

I (2952) wifi:Init dynamic rx buffer num: 40
I (2952) wifi_init: tcpip mbox: 32

I (2972) wifi_init: udp mbox: 32
I (2972) wifi_init: tcp mbox: 32
I (2972) wifi_init: tcp tx win: 8192

Your terminal application does not support escape sequences.
Line editing and history features are disabled.
On Windows, try using Putty instead.
I (2982) wifi_init: tcp rx win: 32768
W (2992) console: Processing autoexec commands while network manager active.  Wi                                          fi related commands will be ignored.
I (3002) wifi_init: tcp mss: 1440
I (3012) console: autoexec is set to perform auto-process
I (3012) wifi_init: WiFi/LWIP prefer SPIRAM
I (3022) console: Running command autoexec1 = squeezelite -o i2s -s                                          3483 -b 500:2000 -C 30 -d all=info -n MerI (3022) network_wifi: Starting wifi
I (3042) phy_init: phy_version 4670,719f9f6,Feb 18 2021,17:07:07
W (3042) config: Value not found for key autoexec2
I (3042) squeezelite_cmd: Calling squeezelite
squeezelite-esp32> [00:01:43.135] sb_controls_init:249 initializing audio (butto                                          ns/rotary/ir) controls (raw:0)
[00:01:43.147] sb_displayer_init:327 no display or led visualizer for LMS
[00:01:43.148] stream_init:387 init stream
[00:01:43.159] output_init_embedded:78 init device: i2s
[00:01:43.161] output_init_common:433 supported rates: 192000 176400 96000 88200                                           48000 44100 32000 24000 22050 16000 12000 11025 8000
[00:01:43.173] output_init_embedded:100 init I2S/SPDIF
I (3092) DAC core: DAC uses I2C port:0, sda:18, scl:23
E (3112) i2c: i2c driver install error
I (3112) DAC external: DAC on I2C @32
I (3122) DAC external: set GPIO 3 at 0
I (3122) DAC external: set GPIO 1 at 0
I (3122) DAC external: set GPIO 3 at 1
I (3132) wifi:mode : sta (24:d7:eb:28:4f:58)[00:01:43.211] output_init_i2s:347 c                                          onfiguring MCLK on GPIO -1

I (3132) wifi:[00:01:43.212] output_init_i2s:359 invalid MCK gpio -1
enable tsf
I (3142) network_handlers: Existing wifi config found. Attempting to connect.
I (3152) I2S: APLL: Req RATE: 44100, real rate: 44099.988, BITS: 16, CLKM: 1, BC                                          K_M: 8, MCLK: 11289597.000, SCLK: 1411199I (3162) network: Starting DHCP client
.625000, diva: 1, divb: 0
I (3172) network_wifi: Wifi Connecting to bring Cookies...
[00:01:43.260] output_init_i2s:376 I2S DAC using I2S bck:26, ws:32, do:25, mute:                                          -1:0 (res:0)
[00:01:43.272] output_init_i2s:396 Initializing I2S mode normal with rate: 44100                                          , bits per sample: 16, buffer frames: 512, number of buffers: 12
[00:01:43.284] equalizer_set_samplerate:121 equalizer sample rate 44100
[00:01:43. output_thread_i2s:518 Output state is -1
[00:01:43.296] output_visu_init:75 Initialize VISUEXPORT 512 16 bits samples
[00:01:43.297] output_thread_i2s:522 switching off amp GPIO -1
[00:01:43.298] output_init_embedded:108 init completed.
[00:01:43.310] decode_init:153 init decode
[00:01:43.321] register_alac:547 using alac to decode alc
[00:01:43.321] register_helixaac:686 using helix-aac to decode aac
[00:01:43.322] register_vorbis:506 using vorbis to decode ogg
[00:01:43.333] register_opus:444 using opus to decode ops
[00:01:43.334] register_flac:332 using flac to decode ogf,flc
[00:01:43.345] register_pcm:483 using pcm to decode aif,pcm
[00:01:43.346] register_mad:417 using mad to decode mp3
W (3282) BT_AV: BT Sink pin code is: [1234]
I (3282) BTDM_INIT: BT controller compile version [2c56073]
[00:01:43.358] register_external:467 Initializing AirPlay sink
[00:01:43.370] register_external:478 Initializing CSpot sink
[00:01:43.375] slimproto:952 connecting to
[00:01:43.387] slimproto:977 unable to connect to server 0
I (3652) BT_AV: Bluetooth Init complete
I (5172) wifi:new:<12,2>, old:<1,0>, ap:<255,255>, sta:<12,2>, prof:1
I (5182) wifi:state: init -> auth (b0)
I (6042) wifi:state: auth -> assoc (0)
E (6042) wifi:Association refused temporarily, comeback time 1024 mSec
I (7072) wifi:state: assoc -> assoc (0)
I (7152) wifi:state: assoc -> run (10)
I (7162) wifi:connected with bring Cookies, aid = 13, channel 12, 40D, bssid = 0                                          0:0c:43:26:60:00
I (7162) wifi:security: WPA3-SAE, phy: bgn, rssi: -59
I (7172) wifi:pm start, type: 1

I (7212) wifi:AP's beacon interval = 102400 us, DTIM period = 2
I (8172) network: Got an IP address from interface Wifi. IP=, Gatew                                          ay=, NetMask=, Address was changed
I (8172) esp_netif_handlers: sta ip:, mask:, gw: 192                                          .168.1.1
I (8192) esp_app_main: Network connected and mDNS initialized with Merus
[00:01:48.279] raop_sink_start:178 starting Airplay for ip with se                                          rvicename Merus
[00:01:48.281] raop_create:201 starting mDNS with 24D7EB284F58@Merus
I (8222) cspot: starting Spotify on host Merus
[00:01:48.330] I Shim.cpp:342: CSpot instance service name Merus (id 142137fd329                                          622137a1490160000002722891270)
[00:01:48.334] I Shim.cpp:329: ZeroConf mode (port 80)
[00:01:48.568] slimproto:999 connected
[00:01:48.569] sendHELO:153 mac: 24:d7:eb:28:4f:58
[00:01:48.570] sendHELO:155 cap: Model=squeezeesp32,AccuratePlayPoints=1,HasDigi                                          talOut=1,HasPolarityInversion=1,Balance=1,Depth=16,Firmware=v1.0-1613-16,ModelNa                                          me=SqueezeESP32,MaxSampleRate=192000,alc,aac,ogg,ops,ogf,flc,aif,pcm,mp3
[00:01:48.658] notify:228 notified server hport 9000 cport 9090
I (8582) network_status: LMS IP:, hport: 9000, cport: 9090
[00:01:48.673] decode_flush:251 decode flush
[00:01:48.674] output_flush:446 flush output buffer
[00:01:48.675] decode_flush:251 decode flush
[00:01:48.675] output_flush:446 flush output buffer
[00:01:48.689] equalizer_set_gain:165 equalizer gain 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
[00:01:48.691] equalizer_set_loudness:187 loudness 0
I (9742) httpd_handlers: serving /status.json to peer port 30660
I (11862) monitor: Heap internal:62451 (min:61651) external:789743 (min:776623)                                           dma:55371 (min:54587)
I (12552) httpd_handlers: serving /messages.json to peer port 30916
[00:01:58.456] decode_flush:251 decode flush
[00:01:58.458] output_flush:446 flush output buffer
[00:01:58.461] codec_open:283 codec open: 'm'
[00:01:58.465] stream_sock:508 connecting to
[00:01:58.471] stream_sock:582 header: GET /stream.mp3?player=24:d7:eb:28:4f:58                                           HTTP/1.0

[00:01:58.634] stream_thread:264 headers: len: 491
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Logitech Media Server (8.3.1 - 1676361197)
Connection: close
Content-Type: audio/mpeg
Set-Cookie: Squeezebox-albumView=; path=/
Set-Cookie: Squeezebox-expandPlayerControl=true; path=/
Set-Cookie: Squeezebox-expanded-MY_MUSIC=1; path=/
Set-Cookie: Squeezebox-expanded-FAVORITES=1; path=/
Set-Cookie: Squeezebox-expanded-PLUGINS=1; path=/
Set-Cookie: Squeezebox-expanded-PLUGIN_MY_APPS_MODULE_NAME=0; path=/
Set-Cookie: Squeezebox-expanded-RADIO=0; path=/

[00:01:58.912] mad_decode:247 setting track_start
[00:01:58.917] output_thread_i2s:518 Output state is 1
[00:01:58.921] output_thread_i2s:585 Restarting I2S.
[00:01:58.926] equalizer_process:222 equalizer deactivated
[00:01:58.972] i2s_stats:661 Output State: 1, current sample rate: 44100, bytes                                           per frame: 4
[00:01:58.984] i2s_stats:662               +----------+----------+--------------                                          --+-----+----------------+
[00:01:59.013] i2s_stats:663               |      max |      min |        averag                                          e |     |        count   |
[00:01:59.019] i2s_stats:664               |  (bytes) |  (bytes) |        (bytes                                          ) |     |                |
[00:01:59.027] i2s_stats:665               +----------+----------+--------------                                          --+-----+----------------+
[00:01:59.056] i2s_stats:666         stream|    480301|    352789|          4071                                          85|   79|               4|
[00:01:59.077] i2s_stats:667         output|      7100|      2492|            47                                          96|    0|               4|
[00:01:59.079] i2s_stats:668               +----------+----------+--------------                                          --+-----+----------------+
[00:01:59.084] _output_frames:65 start buffer frames: 2927
[00:01:59.092] _output_frames:150 track start sample rate: 44100 replay_gain: 0
[00:01:59.104] output_thread_i2s:518 Output state is 2
[00:01:59.107] i2s_stats:669       received|      2048|         0|            17                                          06|   83|               6|
[00:01:59.126] i2s_stats:670               +----------+----------+--------------                                          --+-----+----------------+
[00:01:59.133] i2s_stats:671
[00:01:59.134] i2s_stats:672               ----------+----------+-----------+---                                          --------+
[00:01:59.146] i2s_stats:673               max (us)  | min (us) |   avg(us) |  c                                          ount    |
[00:01:59.163] i2s_stats:674               ----------+----------+-----------+---                                          --------+
[00:01:59.168] i2s_stats:675  Buffering(us)     19452|      1237|       5209|                                                    7|
[00:01:59.186] i2s_stats:676    i2s tfr(us)     44830|        70|      31694|                                                    7|
[00:01:59.188] i2s_stats:677               ----------+----------+-----------+---                                          --------+
I (22122) monitor: Heap internal:61211 (min:60687) external:750523 (min:739867)                                           dma:54131 (min:53623)
I (22142) monitor:           decode (1) 29% s:12656           httpd (1)  0% s: 1                                          148            IDLE (1) 88% s:  948
I (22152) monitor:      pseudo_idle (0)  0% s: 3316            IDLE (1) 65% s:                                            956             tiT (2)  3% s: 1884
I (22182) monitor:          Tmr Svc (2)  0% s: 1192     squeezelite (2)  0% s: 3                                          776          stream (2)  2% s: 2296
I (22192) monitor:             ipc1 (2)  0% s:  464          BtAppT (2)  0% s: 1                                          468        BTC_TASK (2)  0% s:  868
I (22212) monitor:             hciT (2)  0% s: 1568        BTU_TASK (2)  0% s: 3                                          268            ipc0 (2)  0% s:  484
[00:02:02.288] output_thread_i2s:518 Output state is 0
I (22222) monitor:          sys_evt (2)  0% s:  584            RTSP (2)  0% s: 7                                          392  playerInstance (2)  0% s:29696
I (22232) monitor:             mdns (2)  0% s: 2344         network (2)  0% s:                                            808       esp_timer (3)  0% s: 3260
I (22242) monitor:     btController (2)  1% s: 2192      output_i2s (2)  2% s: 1                                          936            wifi (2)  6% s: 2180
I (22262) monitor:           telnet (2)  0% s: 3192         console (2)  0% s:                                            868
[00:02:03.914] output_thread_i2s:518 Output state is -1
[00:02:03.916] output_thread_i2s:522 switching off amp GPIO -1
I (32392) monitor: Heap internal:61211 (min:60647) external:742415 (min:724451)                                           dma:54131 (min:53583)
I (32412) monitor:             IDLE (1) 41% s:  956     pseudo_idle (0)  0% s: 3                                          316            IDLE (1) 91% s:  948
I (32412) monitor:           stream (2)  1% s: 2296      output_i2s (2)  0% s: 1                                          936             tiT (2)  2% s: 1884
I (32432) monitor:          Tmr Svc (2)  0% s: 1192     squeezelite (2)  0% s: 3                                          776          decode (2) 55% s:12656
I (32452) monitor:           BtAppT (2)  0% s: 1468        BTC_TASK (2)  0% s:                                            868            hciT (2)  0% s: 1568
I (32472) monitor:         BTU_TASK (2)  0% s: 3268            ipc0 (2)  0% s:                                            484         sys_evt (2)  0% s:  584
I (32472) monitor:             RTSP (2)  0% s: 7392  playerInstance (2)  0% s:29                                          696          telnet (2)  0% s: 3192
I (32502) monitor:             mdns (2)  0% s: 2344         network (2)  0% s:                                            808           httpd (2)  0% s: 1148
I (32502) monitor:             wifi (2)  4% s: 2180    btController (2)  0% s: 2                                          192       esp_timer (3)  0% s: 3260
I (32522) monitor:          console (2)  0% s:  868            ipc1 (2)  0% s:                                            464
I (42592) monitor: Heap internal:61211 (min:60647) external:742415 (min:720339)                                           dma:54131 (min:53583)
I (42602) monitor:             IDLE (1) 96% s:  948     pseudo_idle (0)  0% s: 3                                          316            IDLE (1) 99% s:  956
I (42602) monitor:           stream (2)  0% s: 2296      output_i2s (2)  0% s: 1                                          936             tiT (2)  0% s: 1884
I (42622) monitor:          Tmr Svc (2)  0% s: 1192     squeezelite (2)  0% s: 3                                          776          decode (2)  0% s:12656
I (42642) monitor:         BTC_TASK (2)  0% s:  868            hciT (2)  0% s: 1                                          568        BTU_TASK (2)  0% s: 3268
I (42662) monitor:             ipc0 (2)  0% s:  484         sys_evt (2)  0% s:                                            584            RTSP (2)  0% s: 7392
I (42682) monitor:   playerInstance (2)  0% s:29696          telnet (2)  0% s: 3                                          192         console (2)  0% s:  868
I (42682) monitor:          network (2)  0% s:  808           httpd (2)  0% s: 1                                          148            mdns (2)  0% s: 2344
I (42702) monitor:             wifi (2)  1% s: 2180    btController (2)  1% s: 2                                          192       esp_timer (3)  0% s: 3260
I (42722) monitor:             ipc1 (2)  0% s:  464          BtAppT (2)  0% s: 1                                          468
I (51272) telnet: We have a new client connection 57
I (52792) monitor: Heap internal:60843 (min:60551) external:736359 (min:720339)                                           dma:53763 (min:53487)
I (52812) monitor:           telnet (1)  0% s: 1512            IDLE (1) 95% s:                                            948     pseudo_idle (0)  0% s: 3316
I (52812) monitor:             IDLE (1) 99% s:  956          stream (2)  0% s: 2                                          296             tiT (2)  0% s: 1884
I (52822) monitor:       output_i2s (2)  0% s: 1936         Tmr Svc (2)  0% s: 1                                          192     squeezelite (2)  0% s: 3776
I (52842) monitor:           decode (2)  0% s:12656            hciT (2)  0% s: 1                                          568        BTU_TASK (2)  0% s: 3268
I (52862) monitor:             ipc0 (2)  0% s:  484         sys_evt (2)  0% s:                                            584            RTSP (2)  0% s: 7392
I (52882) monitor:   playerInstance (2)  0% s:29696         console (2)  0% s:                                            868            ipc1 (2)  0% s:  464
I (52882) monitor:             mdns (2)  0% s: 2344         network (2)  0% s:                                            808           httpd (2)  0% s: 1148
I (52902) monitor:             wifi (2)  2% s: 2180    btController (2)  1% s: 2                                          192       esp_timer (3)  0% s: 3260
I (52922) monitor:           BtAppT (2)  0% s: 1468        BTC_TASK (2)  0% s:                                            868
philippe44 commented 10 months ago

ah crap ... I did not pay attention: you're using GPIO 1 and 3, which are the default UART and need a different reprogramming to be used as generic GPIO. I'll change that, but why using these? They are the last ones you want to use

haldi4803 commented 10 months ago

Not like i got a Choice.... It's a Board with standard 40pin Header fixed in place :(

philippe44 commented 10 months ago

Did you try latest update?

haldi4803 commented 10 months ago

Updated to 1650

And now all Pins (or at least TX and RX) work as epxected without any Set_GPIO. {"init":[{"gpio":5,"level":1},{"gpio":1,"level":1},{"gpio":3,"level":0},{"delay":500},{"gpio":1,"level":0},{"reg":53,"val":0},{"reg":54,"val":17},{"gpio":3,"level":1}]} got 3.3V on GPIO 5 and 3

I (1637) esp_app_main: Setting up config subsystem.
W (1707) nvs_utilities: Configuration memory usage.  Heap internal:228207 (min:2                                                  28067) (used:216) external:4054955 (min:4047051) (used:15720)
I (1707) esp_app_main: Registering default values
I (1717) system_api: Base MAC address is not set
I (1717) system_api: read default base MAC address from EFUSE
W (1727) config: Waiting for config commit ...
I (2707) config: configuration has some uncommitted entries
I (2707) config: Committing configuration to nvs. Locking config object.
I (2707) config: Done Committing configuration to nvs.
I (2707) config: Config committed!
I (2717) esp_app_main: Configuring services
I (2717) services: Configuring I2C sda:18 scl:23 port:0 speed:400000
I (2727) services: Configuring SPI mosi:-1 miso:-1 clk:-1 host:1 dc:-1
W (2737) services: no SPI configured
W (2737) led: LED GPIO -1 ignored
W (2737) led: LED GPIO -1 ignored
I (2747) led: Configuring LEDs green:-1 (on:0 rmt:-1 -1% ), red:-1 (on:0 rmt:-1                                                   -1% )
I (2757) battery: No battery
I (2757) monitor: Initializing monitoring
I (2767) monitor: Heap internal:228451 (min:227879) external:4038367 (min:403833                                                  9) dma:221295 (min:220739)
I (2777) esp_app_main: Initializing display
I (2777) display: Trying to configure display with N/A
W (2787) display: No display driver
I (2787) esp_app_main: Initializing led_vu
I (2797) led_vu: led_vu configuration invalid
I (2797) esp_app_main: Checking for update url
W (2807) config: Value not found for key fwurl
W (2807) config: Value not found for key
I (2817) esp_app_main: Starting Network Manager
I (2817) uart: queue free spaces: 3
W (2817) config: Value not found for key apdelay
I (2817) network_handlers: Network manager configuration: polling max 10176, pol                                                  ling min 15000, ap delay 20000, dhcp timeout 8000, eth timeout 8000
I (2837) http_server: Initializing HTTP Server
I (2847) network_ethernet: Attempting to initialize Ethernet
I (2847) network_ethernet: No Ethernet configuration, or configuration invalid
I (2867) wifi:wifi driver task: 3ffdfd18, prio:23, stack:6656, core=0
I (2867) wifi:wifi firmware version: 9ec65ef
I (2867) wifi:wifi certification version: v7.0
I (2867) wifi:config NVS flash: enabled
I (2877) wifi:config nano formating: disabled
I (2877) wifi:Init data frame dynamic rx buffer num: 40
I (2877) wifi:Init management frame dynamic rx buffer num: 40

I (2887) wifi:Init management short buffer num: 32
I (2897) wifi:Init static tx buffer num: 12
I (2897) wifi:Init tx cache buffer num: 32Type 'help' to get the list of command                                                  s.
Use UP/DOWN arrows to navigate through command history.
Press TAB when typing command name to auto-complete.

I (2917) wifi:Init static rx buffer size: 1600
I (2917) wifi:Init static rx buffer num: 12
I (2917) wifi:To automatically execute lines at startup:
        Set NVS variable autoexec (U8) = 1 to enable, 0 to disable automatic exe                                                  cution.
        Set NVS variable autoexec[1~9] (string)to a command that should be execu                                                  ted automatically
Init dynamic rx buffer num: 40
I (2947) wifi_init: tcpip mbox: 32

I (2957) wifi_init: udp mbox: 32
I (2957) wifi_init: tcp mbox: 32
I (2957) wifi_init: tcp tx win: 8192

Your terminal application does not support escape sequences.
Line editing and history features are disabled.
On Windows, try using Putty instead.
I (2967) wifi_init: tcp rx win: 32768
W (2977) console: Processing autoexec commands while network manager active.  Wi                                                  fi related commands will be ignored.
I (2987) wifi_init: tcp mss: 1440
I (2997) console: autoexec is set to perform auto-process
I (2997) wifi_init: WiFi/LWIP prefer SPIRAM
I (3007) console: Running command autoexec1 = squeezelite -o i2s -s                                                  3483 -b 500:2000 -C 30 -d all=info -n MerI (3007) network_wifi: Starting wifi
I (3027) phy_init: phy_version 4670,719f9f6,Feb 18 2021,17:07:07
W (3027) config: Value not found for key autoexec2
I (3027) squeezelite_cmd: Calling squeezelite
squeezelite-esp32> [00:10:36.534] sb_controls_init:249 initializing audio (butto                                                  ns/rotary/ir) controls (raw:0)
[00:10:36.546] sb_displayer_init:327 no display or led visualizer for LMS
[00:10:36.547] stream_init:387 init stream
[00:10:36.558] output_init_embedded:78 init device: i2s
[00:10:36.560] output_init_common:433 supported rates: 192000 176400 96000 88200                                                   48000 44100 32000 24000 22050 16000 12000 11025 8000
[00:10:36.572] output_init_embedded:100 init I2S/SPDIF
I (3087) DAC core: DAC uses I2C port:0, sda:18, scl:23
E (3097) i2c: i2c driver install error
I (3097) DAC external: DAC on I2C @32
I (3107) DAC external: set GPIO 5 at 1
I (3107) DAC external: set GPIO 1 at 1
I (3107) DAC external: set GPIO 3 at 0
I (3117) wifi:mode : sta (24:d7:eb:28:4f:58)
I (3117) wifi:enable tsf
I (3117) network_handlers: Existing wifi config found. Attempting to connect.
I (3127) network: Starting DHCP client
I (3137) network_wifi: Wifi Connecting to bring Cookies...
I (3617) DAC external: DAC waiting 500 ms
I (3617) DAC external: set GPIO 1 at 0
I (3617) DAC external: set GPIO 3 at 1
[00:10:37.111] output_init_i2s:347 configuring MCLK on GPIO -1
[00:10:37.122] output_init_i2s:359 invalid MCK gpio -1
I (3637) I2S: DMA Malloc info, datalen=blocksize=2048, dma_buf_count=12
I (3647) I2S: APLL: Req RATE: 44100, real rate: 44099.988, BITS: 16, CLKM: 1, BC                                                  K_M: 8, MCLK: 11289597.000, SCLK: 1411199.625000, diva: 1, divb: 0
[00:10:37.147] output_init_i2s:376 I2S DAC using I2S bck:26, ws:32, do:25, mute:                                                  -1:0 (res:0)
[00:10:37.159] output_init_i2s:396 Initializing I2S mode normal with rate: 44100                                                  , bits per sample: 16, buffer frames: 512, number of buffers: 12
[00:10:37.170] equalizer_set_samplerate:121 equalizer sample rate 44100
[00:10:37. output_thread_i2s:518 Output state is -1
[00:10:37.172] output_visu_init:75 Initialize VISUEXPORT 512 16 bits samples
[00:10:37.183] output_thread_i2s:522 switching off amp GPIO -1
[00:10:37.184] output_init_embedded:108 init completed.
[00:10:37.196] decode_init:153 init decode
[00:10:37.197] register_alac:547 using alac to decode alc
[00:10:37.207] register_helixaac:686 using helix-aac to decode aac
[00:10:37.208] register_vorbis:517 using vorbis to decode ogg
[00:10:37.219] register_opus:444 using opus to decode ops
[00:10:37.220] register_flac:332 using flac to decode ogf,flc
[00:10:37.231] register_pcm:483 using pcm to decode aif,pcm
[00:10:37.233] register_mad:417 using mad to decode mp3
W (3747) BT_AV: BT Sink pin code is: [1234]
[00:10:37.246] register_external:467 Initializing AirPlay sink
[00:10:37.258] register_external:478 Initializing CSpot sink
[00:10:37.262] slimproto:952 connecting to
[00:10:37.263] slimproto:977 unable to connect to server 0
I (4127) BT_AV: Bluetooth Init complete
I (5047) wifi:new:<12,2>, old:<1,0>, ap:<255,255>, sta:<12,2>, prof:1
I (5047) wifi:state: init -> auth (b0)
I (5907) wifi:state: auth -> assoc (0)
E (5917) wifi:Association refused temporarily, comeback time 1024 mSec
I (6937) wifi:state: assoc -> assoc (0)
I (7057) wifi:state: assoc -> run (10)
I (7067) wifi:connected with bring Cookies, aid = 13, channel 12, 40D, bssid = 0                                                  0:0c:43:26:60:00
I (7067) wifi:security: WPA3-SAE, phy: bgn, rssi: -53
I (7077) wifi:pm start, type: 1

I (7147) wifi:AP's beacon interval = 102400 us, DTIM period = 2
I (8077) network: Got an IP address from interface Wifi. IP=, Gatew                                                  ay=, NetMask=, Address was changed
I (8077) esp_netif_handlers: sta ip:, mask:, gw: 192                                                  .168.1.1
I (8097) esp_app_main: Network connected and mDNS initialized with Merus
[00:10:41.596] raop_sink_start:178 starting Airplay for ip with se                                                  rvicename Merus
[00:10:41.599] raop_create:201 starting mDNS with 24D7EB284F58@Merus
I (8127) cspot: starting Spotify on host Merus
[00:10:41.646] I Shim.cpp:344: CSpot instance service name Merus (id 142137fd329                                                  622137a1490160000002722891270)
[00:10:41.650] I Shim.cpp:331: ZeroConf mode (port 80)
[00:10:42.398] slimproto:999 connected
[00:10:42.400] sendHELO:153 mac: 24:d7:eb:28:4f:58
[00:10:42.401] sendHELO:155 cap: Model=squeezeesp32,AccuratePlayPoints=1,HasDigi                                                  talOut=1,HasPolarityInversion=1,Balance=1,Depth=16,Firmware=v1.0-1650-16,ModelNa                                                  me=SqueezeESP32,MaxSampleRate=192000,alc,aac,ogg,ops,ogf,flc,aif,pcm,mp3
[00:10:42.489] notify:228 notified server hport 9000 cport 9090
I (9007) network_status: LMS IP:, hport: 9000, cport: 9090
[00:10:42.496] decode_flush:251 decode flush
[00:10:42.507] output_flush:446 flush output buffer
[00:10:42.508] decode_flush:251 decode flush
[00:10:42.509] output_flush:446 flush output buffer
[00:10:42.523] equalizer_set_gain:165 equalizer gain 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
[00:10:42.526] equalizer_set_loudness:187 loudness 0
I (9047) httpd_handlers: serving /status.json to peer port 33988
I (11217) httpd_handlers: serving /messages.json to peer port 34244
I (11837) monitor: Heap internal:62859 (min:62195) external:795963 (min:788167)                                                   dma:55703 (min:55055)
I (21897) monitor: Heap internal:62643 (min:62163) external:790267 (min:788167)                                                   dma:55487 (min:55023)
I (21907) monitor:            httpd (1)  0% s: 1140            IDLE (1) 96% s:                                                    948     pseudo_idle (0)  0% s: 3312
I (21907) monitor:             IDLE (1) 99% s:  948      output_i2s (2)  0% s: 2                                                  032          stream (2)  0% s: 3760
I (21927) monitor:           decode (2)  0% s:14020             tiT (2)  0% s: 1                                                  880     squeezelite (2)  0% s: 3776
I (21947) monitor:          Tmr Svc (2)  0% s: 1200            ipc1 (2)  0% s:                                                    464          BtAppT (2)  0% s: 1468
I (21967) monitor:         BTC_TASK (2)  0% s:  872            hciT (2)  0% s: 1                                                  572        BTU_TASK (2)  0% s: 3304
I (21987) monitor:             ipc0 (2)  0% s:  484         sys_evt (2)  0% s:                                                    596            RTSP (2)  0% s: 7392
I (21987) monitor:   playerInstance (2)  0% s:29696            mdns (2)  0% s: 2                                                  348         network (2)  0% s:  812
I (22007) monitor:     btController (2)  0% s: 2112            wifi (2)  1% s: 2                                                  188       esp_timer (3)  0% s: 3356
I (22017) monitor:           telnet (2)  0% s: 3184         console (2)  0% s:                                                    876
I (32097) monitor: Heap internal:62643 (min:62163) external:795011 (min:776107)                                                   dma:55487 (min:55023)
I (32107) monitor:             IDLE (1) 95% s:  948     pseudo_idle (0)  0% s: 3                                                  312            IDLE (1) 99% s:  948
I (32107) monitor:           stream (2)  0% s: 3760          decode (2)  0% s:14                                                  020     squeezelite (2)  0% s: 3776
I (32127) monitor:              tiT (2)  0% s: 1880         Tmr Svc (2)  0% s: 1                                                  200      output_i2s (2)  0% s: 2032
I (32137) monitor:           BtAppT (2)  0% s: 1468        BTC_TASK (2)  0% s:                                                    872            hciT (2)  0% s: 1572
I (32157) monitor:         BTU_TASK (2)  0% s: 3304            ipc0 (2)  0% s:                                                    484         sys_evt (2)  0% s:  596
I (32167) monitor:             RTSP (2)  0% s: 7392  playerInstance (2)  0% s:29                                                  696          telnet (2)  0% s: 3184
I (32187) monitor:          network (2)  0% s:  812           httpd (2)  0% s: 1                                                  140            mdns (2)  0% s: 2348
I (32207) monitor:             wifi (2)  1% s: 2188    btController (2)  1% s: 2                                                  112       esp_timer (3)  0% s: 3356
I (32227) monitor:          console (2)  0% s:  876            ipc1 (2)  0% s:                                                    464
I (42297) monitor: Heap internal:62643 (min:62163) external:795023 (min:776107)                                                   dma:55487 (min:55023)
I (42307) monitor:             IDLE (1) 96% s:  948     pseudo_idle (0)  0% s: 3                                                  312            IDLE (1) 99% s:  948
I (42307) monitor:           stream (2)  0% s: 3760          decode (2)  0% s:14                                                  020             tiT (2)  0% s: 1880
I (42327) monitor:          Tmr Svc (2)  0% s: 1200     squeezelite (2)  0% s: 3                                                  776      output_i2s (2)  0% s: 2032
I (42347) monitor:         BTC_TASK (2)  0% s:  872            hciT (2)  0% s: 1                                                  572        BTU_TASK (2)  0% s: 3304
I (42367) monitor:             ipc0 (2)  0% s:  484         sys_evt (2)  0% s:                                                    596            RTSP (2)  0% s: 7392
I (42387) monitor:   playerInstance (2)  0% s:29696          telnet (2)  0% s: 3                                                  184            mdns (2)  0% s: 2348
I (42387) monitor:          console (2)  0% s:  876         network (2)  0% s:                                                    812           httpd (2)  0% s: 1140
I (42397) monitor:             wifi (2)  1% s: 2188       esp_timer (3)  0% s: 3                                                  356    btController (2)  0% s: 2112
I (42407) monitor:             ipc1 (2)  0% s:  464          BtAppT (2)  0% s: 1                                                  468
[00:11:21.387] decode_flush:251 decode flush
[00:11:21.388] output_flush:446 flush output buffer
[00:11:21.404] codec_open:283 codec open: 'm'
[00:11:21.407] stream_sock:508 connecting to
[00:11:21.411] stream_sock:582 header: GET /stream.mp3?player=24:d7:eb:28:4f:58                                                   HTTP/1.0

[00:11:21.525] stream_thread:264 headers: len: 491
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Logitech Media Server (8.3.1 - 1676361197)
Connection: close
Content-Type: audio/mpeg
Set-Cookie: Squeezebox-albumView=; path=/
Set-Cookie: Squeezebox-expandPlayerControl=true; path=/
Set-Cookie: Squeezebox-expanded-MY_MUSIC=1; path=/
Set-Cookie: Squeezebox-expanded-FAVORITES=1; path=/
Set-Cookie: Squeezebox-expanded-PLUGINS=1; path=/
Set-Cookie: Squeezebox-expanded-PLUGIN_MY_APPS_MODULE_NAME=0; path=/
Set-Cookie: Squeezebox-expanded-RADIO=0; path=/

[00:11:21.797] output_thread_i2s:518 Output state is 1
[00:11:21.827] output_thread_i2s:585 Restarting I2S.
[00:11:21.834] equalizer_process:222 equalizer deactivated
[00:11:21.848] mad_decode:247 setting track_start
[00:11:21.899] _output_frames:65 start buffer frames: 4079
[00:11:21.901] _output_frames:150 track start sample rate: 44100 replay_gain: 0
[00:11:21.903] output_thread_i2s:518 Output state is 2
[00:11:21.947] i2s_stats:661 Output State: 2, current sample rate: 44100, bytes                                                   per frame: 4
[00:11:21.949] i2s_stats:662               +----------+----------+--------------                                                  --+-----+----------------+
[00:11:21.964] i2s_stats:663               |      max |      min |        averag                                                  e |     |        count   |
[00:11:21.980] i2s_stats:664               |  (bytes) |  (bytes) |        (bytes                                                  ) |     |                |
[00:11:21.981] i2s_stats:665               +----------+----------+--------------                                                  --+-----+----------------+
[00:11:22.006] i2s_stats:666         stream|    511999|    453768|          5014                                                  23|   97|               6|
[00:11:22.023] i2s_stats:667         output|     33212|         0|           138                                                  52|    0|               6|
[00:11:22.025] i2s_stats:668               +----------+----------+--------------                                                  --+-----+----------------+
[00:11:22.041] i2s_stats:669       received|      2048|         0|            17                                                  55|   85|               7|
[00:11:22.053] i2s_stats:670               +----------+----------+--------------                                                  --+-----+----------------+
[00:11:22.055] i2s_stats:671
[00:11:22.083] i2s_stats:672               ----------+----------+-----------+---                                                  --------+
[00:11:22.088] i2s_stats:673               max (us)  | min (us) |   avg(us) |  c                                                  ount    |
[00:11:22.103] i2s_stats:674               ----------+----------+-----------+---                                                  --------+
[00:11:22.105] i2s_stats:675  Buffering(us)     33238|      1707|       6846|                                                            8|
[00:11:22.119] i2s_stats:676    i2s tfr(us)     47704|        64|      33827|                                                            7|
[00:11:22.121] i2s_stats:677               ----------+----------+-----------+---                                                  --------+
I (52647) monitor: Heap internal:61955 (min:61463) external:749075 (min:741391)                                                   dma:54799 (min:54323)
I (52657) monitor:           stream (1)  2% s: 2272          decode (1) 38% s:12                                                  660            IDLE (1) 88% s:  948
I (52667) monitor:      pseudo_idle (0)  0% s: 3312            IDLE (1) 55% s:                                                    948         Tmr Svc (2)  0% s: 1200
I (52697) monitor:      squeezelite (2)  0% s: 3776             tiT (2)  3% s: 1                                                  880            hciT (2)  0% s: 1572
I (52697) monitor:         BTU_TASK (2)  0% s: 3304            ipc0 (2)  0% s:                                                    484         sys_evt (2)  0% s:  596
I (52707) monitor:             RTSP (2)  0% s: 7392  playerInstance (2)  0% s:29                                                  696          telnet (2)  0% s: 3184
I (52727) monitor:             mdns (2)  0% s: 2348         console (2)  0% s:                                                    876            ipc1 (2)  0% s:  464
I (52747) monitor:          network (2)  0% s:  812           httpd (2)  0% s: 1                                                  140            wifi (2)  7% s: 2188
I (52747) monitor:     btController (2)  0% s: 2112       esp_timer (3)  0% s: 3                                                  356      output_i2s (2)  2% s: 2016
I (52787) monitor:           BtAppT (2)  0% s: 1468        BTC_TASK (2)  0% s:                                                    872
[00:11:27.316] i2s_stats:661 Output State: 2, current sample rate: 44100, bytes                                                   per frame: 4
[00:11:27.319] i2s_stats:662               +----------+----------+--------------                                                  --+-----+----------------+
[00:11:27.343] i2s_stats:663               |      max |      min |        averag                                                  e |     |        count   |
[00:11:27.357] i2s_stats:664               |  (bytes) |  (bytes) |        (bytes                                                  ) |     |                |
[00:11:27.382] i2s_stats:665               +----------+----------+--------------                                                  --+-----+----------------+
[00:11:27.384] i2s_stats:666         stream|    511999|    506774|          5098                                                  16|   99|             113|
[00:11:27.402] i2s_stats:667         output|   1598908|     83388|          8523                                                  21|   41|             113|
[00:11:27.423] i2s_stats:668               +----------+----------+--------------                                                  --+-----+----------------+
[00:11:27.443] i2s_stats:669       received|      2048|      2048|            20                                                  48|  100|             114|
[00:11:27.445] i2s_stats:670               +----------+----------+--------------                                                  --+-----+----------------+
[00:11:27.460] i2s_stats:671
[00:11:27.461] i2s_stats:672               ----------+----------+-----------+---                                                  --------+
[00:11:27.484] i2s_stats:673               max (us)  | min (us) |   avg(us) |  c                                                  ount    |
[00:11:27.486] i2s_stats:674               ----------+----------+-----------+---                                                  --------+
[00:11:27.505] i2s_stats:675  Buffering(us)     11759|      1642|       2408|                                                          115|
[00:11:27.514] i2s_stats:676    i2s tfr(us)     48617|     35215|      44037|                                                          115|
[00:11:27.530] i2s_stats:677               ----------+----------+-----------+---                                                  --------+
[00:11:32.533] output_thread_i2s:518 Output state is 0
I (63067) monitor: Heap internal:61955 (min:61091) external:750323 (min:736947)                                                   dma:54799 (min:53951)
I (63097) monitor:             IDLE (1) 63% s:  948     pseudo_idle (0)  0% s: 3                                                  312            IDLE (1) 88% s:  948
I (63107) monitor:           decode (2) 33% s:12660     squeezelite (2)  0% s: 3                                                  776             tiT (2)  2% s: 1880
I (63117) monitor:          Tmr Svc (2)  0% s: 1200          stream (2)  1% s: 2                                                  272        BTU_TASK (2)  0% s: 3304
I (63137) monitor:             ipc0 (2)  0% s:  484         sys_evt (2)  0% s:                                                    596            RTSP (2)  0% s: 7392
I (63157) monitor:   playerInstance (2)  0% s:29696          telnet (2)  0% s: 3                                                  184         console (2)  0% s:  876
I (63167) monitor:             ipc1 (2)  0% s:  464          BtAppT (2)  0% s: 1                                                  468            mdns (2)  0% s: 2348
I (63177) monitor:          network (2)  0% s:  812           httpd (2)  0% s: 1                                                  140    btController (2)  0% s: 2112
I (63187) monitor:             wifi (2)  4% s: 2188      output_i2s (2)  3% s: 2                                                  016       esp_timer (3)  0% s: 3260
I (63207) monitor:         BTC_TASK (2)  0% s:  872            hciT (2)  0% s: 1                                                  572
I (66227) telnet: We have a new client connection 57
I (73257) monitor: Heap internal:61587 (min:61091) external:745831 (min:733471) dma:54431 (min:53951)
I (73277) monitor:             IDLE (1) 99% s:  948     pseudo_idle (0)  0% s: 3312            IDLE (1) 94% s:  948
I (73277) monitor:           telnet (2)  0% s: 1504          decode (2)  0% s:12660             tiT (2)  1% s: 1880
I (73307) monitor:          Tmr Svc (2)  0% s: 1200     squeezelite (2)  0% s: 3776          stream (2)  0% s: 2272
I (73317) monitor:             ipc0 (2)  0% s:  484         sys_evt (2)  0% s:  596            RTSP (2)  0% s: 7392
I (73317) monitor:   playerInstance (2)  0% s:29696         console (2)  0% s:  876            ipc1 (2)  0% s:  464
I (73337) monitor:           BtAppT (2)  0% s: 1468        BTC_TASK (2)  0% s:  872            mdns (2)  0% s: 2348
I (73347) monitor:          network (2)  0% s:  812            wifi (2)  2% s: 2188       esp_timer (3)  0% s: 3260
I (73357) monitor:     btController (2)  0% s: 2112           httpd (2)  0% s: 1140      output_i2s (2)  0% s: 2016
I (73377) monitor:             hciT (2)  0% s: 1572        BTU_TASK (2)  0% s: 3304

The board still doesn't output any sound but that's unrelated to GPIO issues.