sleemanj / xinha

WYSIWYG HTML Editor Component (turns <textarea> into HTML editors)
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Extra Bullets are being added when indenting (Trac #1604) #1604

Closed sleemanj closed 3 years ago

sleemanj commented 11 years ago

When you bullet an item then create a new line (the next line will be bulletted as well) then increase the indent of the new line and after you save then xinha will add an extra bullet for each increment in indent.

Steps to reproduce: -bullet a line -press enter then increase the indentation(the bullet will change form) -repeat previous steps if you want and add more indentations -submit/save

Result new bullets will be added I included screenshots to help and as proof

Reported by guest, migrated from

sleemanj commented 11 years ago

Xinha bulleting issue screenshots Attachment: [Xinha Bulleting]( Bulleting

sleemanj commented 11 years ago

ejucovy commented:

Xinha itself is just a browser-side project, which doesn't handle submitting/saving your data or loading it back again. So I can't reproduce this bug with Xinha alone, since it involves saving data to some backend. Can you tell me more about your backend, or provide a link to a webpage where this issue is occurring?

It's also possible that your backend code is transforming the data somehow before saving it, and therefore the bug would not be in Xinha.

sleemanj commented 11 years ago

Can't reproduce