I cannot get Xinha to initialize correctly inside a Bootstrap Modal Dialogl
After calling the following code
this.startEditor = function () {
if (!contentLoaded) {
from the onshow event of the bootstrap modal (and checking that the code is exectured)
$('#' + name).on('shown.bs.modal', function () {
I get the following HTML
As you can see the text area is initialized but the body of the html document in the iFrame is not. If I run the same code without the Bootstrap modal it all works as expected.
I cannot get Xinha to initialize correctly inside a Bootstrap Modal Dialogl
After calling the following code
this.startEditor = function () { editor.focusEditor(); editor.activateEditor();
if (!contentLoaded) { loadContent(originalContent); } fixEditorSize(); }
from the onshow event of the bootstrap modal (and checking that the code is exectured)
I get the following HTML
As you can see the text area is initialized but the body of the html document in the iFrame is not. If I run the same code without the Bootstrap modal it all works as expected.
Reported by guest, migrated from http://trac.xinha.org/ticket/1668