sleemanj / xinha

WYSIWYG HTML Editor Component (turns <textarea> into HTML editors)
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Firefox 1.06 hangs when 2 or more xinhas with text are shown (Trac #481) #481

Closed sleemanj closed 3 years ago

sleemanj commented 18 years ago

As in summary. When I open a page with two or more editors without text inside, it's ok. But when I open page with two or more editors with some text between textarea> and </textarea (for example xinhas official example) Firefox 1.06 hangs and you gotta hard restart it.

Reported by anonymous, migrated from

sleemanj commented 18 years ago commented:

i had these error with Tidy extension.

sleemanj commented 18 years ago

nutheruser commented:

I'll second this. Trying to set up Drupal with Xinha using Firefox. I'm not sure what combination of textareas or full/empty does this, but I see intermittently that Firefox 1.06, upon loading the page and attempting to initialize xinha, will shoot up to 100% CPU. I say intermittently, because the page will load fine several times, and then seemingly at random, Firefox gets hung/hosed and must be killed. I'm using the latest nightly Xinha build downloaded just a few minutes ago. Firefox is running 1.06 on Windows Server 2003.

sleemanj commented 18 years ago

anonymous commented:

Disabling the HTML Validator (you don't have to disable the extension completely - just right click it in the status bar and disable it there) is a workaround.

sleemanj commented 18 years ago

Not reproduced, probably not an issue any more.